Go ahead and stereotype!

Kirill Zubovsky
1 min readMay 29, 2013


Do you know how most people would say that you should not stereotype, that it is bad? Well, I say that on the contrary, stereotypes are great.

In computer code we write a lot of functions, and we do that to simplify code and to speed up the development. So if that is okay in code, why shouldn’t we reach higher efficiency in our brain? Stereotypes are exactly that. They are heuristics, based off an available set of data, that make everyday life faster.

I am not saying you should say that every Muslim is a terrorist, nor is every terrorist a Muslim. I cannot stop you from writing bad functions. However, neither should you stop me from creating accurate ones.

Asking someone to not stereotype would be an equivalent of demanding that all programs to be written in binary. That just sounds wrong.



Kirill Zubovsky

Entrepreneur, Dad. Currently working on SmashNotes.com and a few other projects. For details, check out kirillzubovsky.com