Apache Spark Structured Streaming — Checkpoints and Triggers (4 of 6)

Streaming with confidence, resilience, and efficiency

Neeraj Bhadani
Expedia Group Technology


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In previous blog posts, we covered using sources and sinks in Apache Spark™️ Streaming. Here we discuss checkpoints and triggers, important concepts in Spark Streaming.

You may also be interested in some of my other posts on Apache Spark.


Let’s start creating a streaming DataFrame (resultDF) from a file source by reading a file in each micro-batch and performing aggregations. We use this resultDF for all examples in this blog post.


A checkpoint helps build fault-tolerant and resilient Spark applications. In Spark Structured Streaming, it maintains intermediate state on HDFS compatible file systems to recover from failures. To specify the checkpoint in a streaming query, we use the checkpointLocation parameter.

Let’s understand this with an example. We use the resultDF streaming DataFrame defined in the Setup section above.

Output to console

The parameter "checkpointLocation” enables the checkpoint and specifies the location where we keep checkpoint information.

Let’s execute the application and inspect the checkpoint directory.

On right window, we see checkpoint directory and data files. On left window we see output on console.

We see a directory named checkpoint with a bunch of sub-directories and files. This folder contains the state of our streaming application. E.g. the sources folder contains batches of data processed so far.

On left window, we can see file 0 and 1 under sources folder which represent the processed batches. On right window, we can see the content of the file 0.

This screen shot shows the contents of the sources folder. In this example, we executed 2 batches with 1 file in each micro-batch. You can see the file MSFT_2017.csv was the first to be processed.

Now let’s interrupt our streaming application to simulate a failure and start the application again.

On left window, We can see output on console. On center window, we can see metadata file for each micro-batch under sources folder. On right window, we can see corresponding processed file details.

Here we see an application started withBatch: 2 since it already processed Batch: 0 and Batch: 1. We also see another file, named 2, under the sources folder corresponding to AMZN_2017.csv . This is how our application recovered from a failure. You can find the complete code on GitHub.

Note: We are getting all records for MSFT, GOOGL and AMZN because we are running in complete output mode.


By definition, data continuously flows into a streaming system. The arrival of data is not novel enough to kick off processing. In streaming systems, we need a special event to kick off processing and that event is called a trigger. Let’s discuss a few triggers in Spark Streaming.

  • Default: Executes a micro-batch as soon as the previous finishes.
  • Fixed interval micro-batches: Specifies the interval when the micro-batches will execute. For example, 1 minute , 30 seconds or 1 hour etc.
  • One-time micro-batch: Executes only one micro-batch to process all available data and then stops.


If we don’t specify any trigger, then our query will execute in micro-batch mode. The default trigger executes the next batch as soon as the previous one finishes. In our checkpoint example, we used the default trigger since we hadn't specified another.

Fixed interval micro-batches

Micro-batches are processed after a user-specified time interval. If the processing time of the previous batch is more than the specified interval, the next batch will be executed immediately. If we set 1 minute as the interval and a micro-batch takes 35 seconds, then the next batch will trigger after waiting for 25 seconds. If a micro-batch takes 70 seconds, then the next micro-batch execute immediately after the first ends.

Time for an example. Let’s read data from a file source, 1 file in each micro-batch, and print the result to console in complete mode. This way we can compare all the processed records. We process micro-batches every 1 minute. Again, we start with the resultDF streaming DataFrame defined above.

Here is a snippet for a fixed interval trigger set at 1 minute.

Let’s execute our streaming application!

On right window, we can see data files. On left window we can see output on console with fixed interval trigger.

We have 3 files in the data/stream folder and specified to process 1 file in each micro-batch. Thus, we see 3 micro-batches in our output. Upon carefully inspecting the timestamp column in our output, we can see Batch: 0 was executed when we started our application and each subsequent micro-batch was executed at the start of every minute because we specified a 1 minute interval.

One-time micro-batch

With a once trigger, our query will execute a single micro-batch. It will process all available data and then stop the application. This trigger is useful when you would like to spin-up a cluster periodically, to process all available data, and then shutdown the cluster. This may lead to considerable cost savings.

We reuse the set-up from the fixed interval trigger example, except we set the trigger strategy to once. We also reuse the familiar resultDF streaming DataFrame defined above in the Setup section. Here is the snippet for a trigger once.

Let’s execute our streaming application with the once trigger.

On right window, we can see data files. On left window we can see output on console with “Once” trigger.

Our streaming application has only executed 1 micro-batch and completed/stopped successfully. Although we have 3 csv files in the data/stream folder, it has only processed 1 file because we specified only 1 file should be processed in each micro-batch. You can find the complete code on GitHub.

The next post in this series covers Structured Streaming Operations like Filters, Joins, Windows, and User-Defined Functions

Here are other blogs on Apache Spark Structured Streaming series.

I hope you have enjoyed learning about important concepts like checkpoints and triggers in Spark Streaming.


This blog post is provided for educational purposes only. Certain scenarios may utilize fictitious names and test data for illustrative purposes. The content is intended as a contribution to the technological community at large and may not necessarily reflect any technology currently being implemented or planned for implementation at Expedia Group, Inc.

