Our Top 10 of 2020

The ten most viewed stories on Expedia Group Technology

Giorgio Delle Grottaglie
Expedia Group Technology


As the year ends we’d like to take the opportunity to share the most popular stories we’ve published this year, as chosen by you our readers. We would like to thank you for collectively spending 10,000 hours reading our blog this year.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Curious to know which Tech topics mattered most in 2020?

We’ve listed the ten stories with the highest views from around one hundred stories that we published this year. The content topics are wide ranging which reflects the diversity of interests among our readers. If you’re not already doing so, please join the tech community who are following our blog to receive more from us in 2021 (use the ‘Follow’ button). If you would like to know how we produce content, you can read about it here.

10. Getting Started with Elastic Search
by Arjun Rajpal , January 2020

9. How to Import Public Certificates into Java’s Truststore from a Browser
Avinash Reddy Penugonda, July 2020

8. Introducing GraphQL Kotlin Client
Dariusz Kuc, June 2020

7. Creating Monitoring Dashboards
Nikos Katirtzis, September 2020

6. All about ISTIO-PROXY 5xx Issues
by Vinod Canumalla, June 2020

5. File Upload with GraphQL, Apollo Server, Hapi 18+, and React
by Rohit Pandey, January 2020

4. Deep dive into Apache Spark Window Functions
by Neeraj Bhadani, June 2020

3. Working with JSON in Apache Spark
by Neeraj Bhadani, May 2020

2. Using Bash for DevOps
by Dan Collins, January 2020

  1. Are These Six Software Anti-patterns Killing Your Delivery?
    by John James, October 2020

We have one more post scheduled for December, after that we’ll resume regular publishing at the beginning of 2021.
We wish you all an enjoyable holiday season!

