Web3 Game Distribution: Challenges and Solutions | Expedite Studio

Expedite Studio
Published in
4 min readMay 26, 2023

How do games get mass adoption in web3? Well, Web3 gaming has for sure opened up exciting possibilities for gamers, but the distribution of Web3 games remains a challenge for mass adoption. Web2-era methods simply don’t cut it anymore. But, new avenues are emerging to bridge the gap and unlock the full potential of Web3 game distribution. Let’s explore web3 gaming challenges of distribution in this post.

1. Gatekeeper Control Issues

Gatekeepers refer to the traditional intermediaries or entities that have historically held significant control over the gaming industry. These gatekeepers could include publishers, app stores, or other centralized platforms that have the power to dictate which games get exposure and reach a wider audience.

The presence of traditional gatekeepers in the gaming industry may hinder the widespread adoption and scale of Web3 games. To address this challenge, web-only distribution can be employed, bypassing traditional channels, and reaching players directly. Clever marketing techniques like in-game NFT giveaways can also help attract and engage a larger audience.

2. Complex Interface Transfer

Web3 distribution refers to the ability to create game interfaces or user experiences that can be easily moved or transferred across different platforms or environments. Developing transportable front-end experiences using Web3 or fake money presents a distribution challenge.

To overcome this, game developers can leverage new Web3-native structures like Ethereum Name Service (ENS) domains to market their creations to fellow game developers. This allows for easier sharing and discovery of games within the Web3 ecosystem.

3. Understanding the Blockchain Curve

One of the main challenges is the steep learning curve associated with blockchain technology. Blockchain concepts can be complex and difficult for the general public to understand. Users have to become familiar with things like digital wallets, private keys, cryptocurrencies, NFTs, decentralized exchanges, gas fees, etc. before they can fully participate in Web3 games.

Blockchain is the transformative technology behind Web3 gaming. It enables decentralization, removing intermediaries and fostering player-driven economies. With immutable ledgers, blockchain ensures the integrity and authenticity of in-game assets. Smart contracts automate transactions and govern gameplay, ensuring fairness and transparency. Embrace its power for immersive and player-centric experiences.

4. Facing Regulatory Roadblocks

The technological backbone of Web3 is still being built, and there are still many aspects of scalability, latency, and cost to resolve. For instance, high transaction costs (gas fees) and slow transaction speeds can become significant barriers for smaller developers and gamers.

Regulatory Hurdles: The regulation of blockchain technology is still a grey area in many parts of the world. There is a risk of heavy-handed regulation making it difficult to distribute Web3 games across different jurisdictions. Developers have to navigate this ever-evolving legal landscape.

5. Lack of Traditional Monetization Channels

Traditional game distribution platforms like the App Store or Google Play Store offer monetization mechanisms like ads and in-app purchases. Web3 games often have to rely on different models, such as the sale of NFTs or play-to-earn mechanics, which might be less familiar to traditional game developers.

Say goodbye to traditional networks and say hello to web3-native social platforms like Lens Protocol. These platforms provide a new level of interaction and connection for gamers. Web3 social platforms enable users to quickly access their digital assets without relying on web2 services like PayPal or bank accounts by supporting web3 wallets.

6. Absent Marketing Streams

The vast nature of the decentralized world can make it hard for new games to be discovered. Traditional games often rely on platform curation or marketing strategies that might not directly translate to the Web3 ecosystem.

Say goodbye to traditional networks and say hello to web3-native social platforms like Lens Protocol. These platforms provide a new level of interaction and connection for gamers. Web3 social platforms enable users to quickly access their digital assets without relying on web2 services like PayPal or bank accounts by supporting web3 wallets.

7. User Acquisition & Advertising

User acquisition and advertising in web3 gaming face challenges due to fragmented user bases, limited awareness, technical barriers, discoverability issues, trust considerations, and the need to adapt advertising models to decentralized platforms. Overcoming these challenges requires targeted marketing efforts, educational campaigns, and simplified onboarding processes.

Web3 has bestowed game developers with incredible powers regarding user acquisition and advertising. Imagine compensating target games by air-dropping in-game items or currency worth real money. Talk about a gamer’s dream come true! Blockchain-native messaging methods, such as EPNS, offer fresh avenues for direct advertising and audience acquisition.

Talking about overcoming web3 gaming distribution challenges, Axie Infinity makes a significant stride by securing its presence on the Apple App Store, marking a major milestone in paving the way for widespread adoption of web3 gaming. Can’t wait to have one for Android users!

Hidden Bonus in your Virtual Wallet

Your own wallets are becoming the backbone of the distribution of web3 games, offering a seamless user experience. It allows players to access and engage with multiple Web3 games using a single wallet interface. Virtual wallets empower players, eliminating the need for traditional payment systems and fostering a more immersive and connected gaming experience within the decentralized web3 ecosystem. Who knew your virtual wallet could be so handy?

And that’s it!

Web3 game distribution may pose its fair share of challenges, but the path to success is becoming more apparent daily. With new strategies, innovative platforms, and a bit of creative thinking, we can unlock the true potential of blockchain technology for gamers worldwide. So gear up, fellow adventurers, It’s time to bridge the gap and rewrite the rules of Web3 game distribution!

Originally published at https://expeditestudio.com on May 26, 2023.



Expedite Studio

An enthusiastic technology explorer with curious mind.