Expercoin Republics
Published in
2 min readOct 5, 2018


Advances in AI and What They Mean for Manufacturing


By now many people are aware of the increasing role that robots play when it comes to manufacturing. However, the majority tend not to understand the extent of the previous revolution’s effects, let alone the next wave involving artificial intelligence. Understanding the technology, and how it builds off of previous innovations, will not only help employers position themselves well, but will allow workers to foresee which of their skills will be most valued in the future.

One of the synergies realized through integrating artificial intelligence into the manufacturing process comes from human-machine collaboration. Therefore, as jobs shift away from traditional roles, and certain skills decrease in demand, opportunities will arise in innovative new areas for workers.

A McKinsey report summarizes the effect of artificial intelligence on the manufacturing process as “disrupt[ing] production functions in factories through better analytics, predictive maintenance, and increased human-machine interaction.” As in other industries, the demand for low cognitive skills and physical labor skills will decline, but, manual skills are cited to be decreasing at “twice the rate for the whole economy,” setting manufacturing apart from other industries in this area.

As evidenced in the above McKinsey report graphic, areas of skill increase will revolve around technology and complements to technological processes, such as IT skills and digital skills. Also seen is an advanced emphasis on creative skills and entrepreneurship. The increased value in both soft and technical skills provides a wide array of new opportunities for participants in the industry.

The Expercoin learning ecosystem will not only be able to help with technical concepts, but also with any learnable trait. The infrastructure provides a flexible platform upon which Republics, learning marketplaces, can be formed around any topic supported by experts and or tailored for companies who can whitelabel Expercoin platform and use it to upskill their employees to their preference.

If you are interested in Expercoin, and its mission to build one of the world’s largest decentralized networks of marketplaces to advance learning and create jobs for the digital economy, click here.

If you would like to hear more about how the financial services industry may react to oncoming technological advancements, you can listen to episodes of Masters of Blockchain here.



Expercoin Republics

Protocol to launch AI-powered network of marketplaces on the Ethereum blockchain in partnership with Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab.