Ecosystem Self-Governance by Expercoin Token Holders

Expercoin Republics
Published in
2 min readJun 25, 2018

Importance of a New Token and Portability of Blockchain

Given the ambitious scope of our project, scalability of the blockchain is vital to its growth and survival. The system we are building can be ported to a different blockchain because we have our own token and are not tied to a single blockchain. Given we are developing a native token — instead of using ETH or BTC — it makes the entire design agnostic and portable to even our own blockchain if it becomes necessary. This way we would not be at the mercy of third-parties like Ethereum in case they fail to scale their blockchain or if their transaction costs increase significantly.

Community Self-Governance

Our goal is to achieve platform self-governance by the holders of the Expercoin tokens. The token holders will be able to vote on critical matters such as the future direction of the platform to more commonplace matters such as which Republics should be prioritized to be launched before others. Any token holder would be able to stake Expercoin tokens and submit a proposal to the community of Expercoin token holders concerning a new project or a Republic. The community would then vote on the proposal. A deposit of tokens ensures that the proposals submitted are not spam. If they are determined to be spam, then the tokens would be forfeited by the initiator of the proposal.

Tokenized Rewards

Expercoin tokens will be used to incentivize users to perform different activities. Each Republic will have the ability to create its own Rewards Program with Expercoin bounties for the following, among other use-cases:

Course Development

  • Propose a course track that is accepted by the community through sufficient votes
  • Peer review course outlines to give feedback on the direction of course curriculum
  • Peer review course content to give feedback on actual course before launch

Course Marketing

  • Course promotion via social media channels such as Quora, YouTube, Reddit, Twitter and blogs
  • Affiliate sales

Projects and Job Assistance

  • Projects scoping assistance by an expert to a client
  • Project completion verification by an expert if when requested by a non-technical client
  • Help with collecting facts for arbitration during a dispute before case is voted by the community

Assessment Development

  • Propose new assessment category that is accepted by the community through sufficient votes
  • Contribute assessment question(s)
  • Peer-review existing assessment questions to find incorrect answers or low-quality question


  • Bring an enterprise client to a Republic that results in a sale. Reward will be a percentage of revenue generated that is set by the Republic.



Expercoin Republics

Protocol to launch AI-powered network of marketplaces on the Ethereum blockchain in partnership with Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab.