Expercoin App Store

Expercoin Republics
Published in
2 min readJul 11, 2018

Further Extending the Functionality of Each Republic

The Expercoin App Store is anticipated to provide a discovery mechanism to find contributions of community members to extend the functionality and user experience of the Republics in the Ecosystem. The following types of content are planned to be made available in the App Store.

Apps to Extend Republic Functionality

These apps will be created with the intention of building out a Republic as a learning community grows and determines the direction of the specific Republic. These apps will not only help Republics grow and differentiate but will further involve the community to contribute and learn together.

Course Content to Seed New or Enhance Existing Learning Offerings

These apps serve to supplement learners’ experiences outside of current learning offerings. They will grow into an information resource wherein learners can cement and further explore certain disciplines with which they are interested.

Interactive Games to Enhance Learning Experiences

Fun games will help users engage with their learning material in a fun and effortless way. The more engaged the learning community becomes, the more quickly and naturally users will find upskilling.

Algorithms and Bots to Enhance LMS and Marketplace Functionality

These apps will streamline the process of modifying the functionality within marketplaces. It is our hope that these apps will help routinize modifications in a collaborative and efficient manner.

User Interfaces to Launch New Front-Ends and Mobile Experiences

Part of Expercoin’s mission is to make education more accessible, regardless of technological know-how or otherwise. Having user-friendly, intuitive interfaces is integral to this mission. These apps will serve to provide users with seamless navigation.

We intend for the developers contributing to the App Store to be able to set their own prices based on usage. Smart Contracts will track the usage and automatically withdraw money based on terms set by an app’s developer.



Expercoin Republics

Protocol to launch AI-powered network of marketplaces on the Ethereum blockchain in partnership with Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab.