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How Nootropics Can Improve Your Mental Health

Amongst other mechanisms, cognitive enhancers can help improve your mental health by improving memory, attention, and focus

Published in
11 min readMar 24, 2020


Please note: Some of the biochemical processes mentioned in this article have been simplified for readability purposes.

Nootropics are naturally occurring or chemically synthesized substances that boost cognitive functions in people, and are therefore commonly referred to as cognitive enhancers or “smart drugs.”

They have a wide range of uses as they can be used not only by people with disorders that affect their cognitive functions but also by healthy people looking to improve their executive functions. They can be used by professionals to reduce mental fatigue while trying to keep up with their work. Students can use them to boost their focus and attention while studying for exams, or aging people can use them to improve their memory retention.

Nootropics are available as supplements or prescription drugs; however, when it comes to supplements, scientists have differing views.

For example, Dr. Barry Gordon, a neurologist at John Hopkins medical division, holds the opinion that there is no clear evidence that smart drugs work. The human brain is complicated, and…

