A Model is Better than No Model

Jocelyn Jia
Experience Modeling
2 min readNov 8, 2021

The only way for the human brain to understand the complex reality is through abstraction, thus we create maps and models to help us understand them. However, people sometimes confuse models of reality with reality itself, as we always think that having a model is better than having nothing. Therefore, as designers whose day-to-day job is to create different forms of models, we must be more than clear about the limitations of the abstractions and be conscious of what biases we have brought into the models that we create.

If used correctly, a model/ a map can be the catalyst to spark ideas, boost conversations and create alignment for multiple stakeholders. Given the fact that a model or a map doesn’t represent every single detail of the reality, it creates opportunities for people “imagine” beyond what’s been represented there. On the other hand, since part of the reality has been intentionally chosen to be represented on the map, it clearly sets the ground of the conversation and acts as the main stem of any new branches.

A road map can be both static and dynamic. The current state and future state are static as they must provide fundamental knowledge on where we are today and what we want to be in the future, while the pathways that connect today with tomorrow vary a lot. But do we need to illustrate every single possible scenario? Firm no. Instead we should be “picky” and be strategic in selecting which paths to highlight as they should be meaningful and valuable in addressing the core “How might we … ”. Thus, setting up appropriate metrics upfront is essential, which is often a cross-functional effort.

Not to complex the problem, but a business should have multiple roadmaps and keep updating them to be robust and proactive about the emerging consumer needs, technology trends, the flux of economic and political climate. This requires the company to have dedicated groups to practice speculative design, meaning utilizing possible futures as lenses to better understand the present, and what we want and don’t want to see in our future as a society. By painting the picture of a utopia and a dystopia, the company is better aware of the factors that may lead them into the different worlds.

Although the map is not the territory, without a map, how are we supposed to understand the world we are living in?

