“Experience”&“X Experience”

Youqi Wang
Experience Modeling
2 min readAug 30, 2021

Before that, I might never realized that experience was different from user experience, customer experience, all kinds of experiences. I always subconsciously lump them together…

“WTF is an experience?” — It’s a little difficult for me to explain directly what “experience” is, because it’s such a broad and abstract concept. So I want to talk about it from several following aspects.

1. What’s the relationships between “Experience”&“X Experience”?

In the article :What’s the Difference Between an Experience and a Customer Experience?, the author uses some examples to clarify their differences, also gave me a lot of inspiration. And I summarize his views in the following picture:

The relationships between “Experience” and “X Experience” & “X Experience” and “X Experience”.

2. What’s the difference between the different “X Experience”?

What lead the differences between the “X Experience”? I think it’s determined by the creators of experiences with a purpose…

Different stakeholders create different types of experiences.

So if we were in the Internet company, we would be UX Designer, and in the consumer goods industry, we would be BX Designer(?)… Our position is related to the industry in which we work, although our job is to design the human experience.

3. Can experiences be created?

Experiences can of course be created, and that’s part of the job as an experience designer. We can use design methods to create the experience we want people to have. In our society today, the vast majority of our interactions and experiences with the world are created or designed. In my opinion, it is also a manifestation of human progress and development. So not only can experiences be designed, they should be.

4. Does the X Experience have to be positive?

However, not all experiences are necessarily good, and this might be unintentionally or even intentionally delivered by stakeholders. Brands may initially create a great user experience in order to attract more traffic, but when the giants form a monopoly, they will be able to sacrifice the user experience for their own profit.

So as designers, we may need to maintain a balance between experience and business.

These are just some of my preliminary ideas, and I am happy to discuss with you if I have any opinions!

