7 Efficient Ways to Take a Break from a Tough Day

Giancarlo Gallegos
Experience Philippines
4 min readJan 4, 2019

7 Tips To Take A Break

Sometimes a break from your routine is the very thing you need. Do not be so hard on yourself, having a break doesn’t mean you are avoiding your responsibilities, it actually means you are taking care of yourself and living it to the fullest.

Here are 7 tips to take a break:

#1 — Take a deep breath

The stress response also suppresses the immune system it may lead into anxiety and depression. We can’t avoid all sources of stress in our lives, it is part of it. Inhale positivity, exhale negativity! Give yourself a time to do it.

#2 — Sleep Well

Sleeping can reduce stress, buddy! It is vital for us people to have a good and proper sleeping schedule. If your body doesn’t get enough sleep, it can make you irritable and stress hormones will invade you. So, if you sleep well, it will put you in a better mood! The better you sleep, the calmer and rational you are throughout the day.

#3 — Laugh and Make Other People Smile

Laughter has a way of instantly connecting people and is one of the most basic and fundamental ways in which we communicate as human beings. But more than that — laughter can increase confidence, self-esteem, creativity,
positivity and resilience, bringing positive changes to all aspects of our lives.” — “Laughter consultant” Joe Bluett.

Laughing releases endorphins, the body’s “feel good” chemicals. It can change someone’s perspective, it will lead you to positivity, lessen your wrinkles and will bring you more joy and fun in life.

#4 — Positivity

Researchers continue to explore the effects of positive thinking and optimism on health.
Health benefits that positive thinking may provide include:

• Increased life span
• Lower rates of depression
• Lower levels of distress
• Better psychological and physical well-being
• Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress
Being the positive bean of all bean can be contagious to other beans. There’s no harm in
being positive, just know your limits and set your expectations.

# 5 — Pamper Yourself

Go on a spa, make your hair and nails done! It can help you to reduce stress. Through pampering, we care for ourselves and keep ourselves fresh to the highest level! When you feel good about yourself, you tend to have better self-esteem and will make you more productive!

# 6 — Eat Comfort Foods

Comfort foods, improves your mood! A recent study in the journal of Psychological Science reports that turning to comfort foods can improve your mood. Chocolate is one of the most popular comfort food. It can make you calm and help you to relax. But not too much, you might have toothache or be so hyper!


Slow down and enjoy life. Take a moment to keep in touch with yourself, try to schedule everything, have a date or get together with your friends, travel alone to find yourself, learn new things, and live without thinking of your work and things that stresses you out! Clear all your worries and problems, have a break buddy!

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