How To Help In Coral And Mangrove Restoration

Giancarlo Gallegos
Experience Philippines
4 min readDec 28, 2018

Step 1: Realize And Accept That There Is A Problem

Parang EDSA, minsan we have to accept that there will always be Carmaggedon pag umulan. Kaya acceptance is the key and huwag react react lang. Same with our environment, we have to realize that we are the cause of the problems occurring on our planet. BUT even though we make a mess out of this world, we can still do our share in saving it… at least in our lifetime.

Check out the 1st Photo below and tell us how it makes you feel.

Next, check out this 2nd photo of a sea turtle tangled up in a beach chair.

Photo taken along Alabama Beach. Turtle drifts into shore dead.

Lastly, this screenshot was taken this July 2018 along Manila Bay.

Is this going to be the future?

The reckless throwing of garbage is slowly killing our oceans, reefs, marine life that in a matter of years time, we might end up with an ocean of full of garbage. Sad but true.

Step 2: Education and Paying It Forward

Of course, there is only so much we can do. One of them is to get educated on environmental preservation. By understanding how nature works and how our daily practices have an impact on the environment, we can slowly shift our habits to something more sustainable.

For example, recent studies have found that sunscreen chemicals in many popular products actually hurt corals. The main chemical culprits are oxybenzone and octinoxate, which convert sunburn-causing UV rays into harmless heat on human skin. But once these chemicals are in the water, they actually decrease corals’ defenses against bleaching. So better check your sunscreen favorite brands because they might be contributing to the destruction of our coral reefs.

Another way of being educated is exposing yourself to current conservation effort by local groups, universities, and local governments. Help support their programs by participating in projects that teach the “what” and the “what not” in environmental conservation. You can search in your local community or in Facebook groups of such events.

If you want to take it to the next step, read on.

Step 3: Be Part Of The Solution Join The Coral and Mangrove Restoration… and more.

We made it easier for you to execute the good intention of wanting to help save the environment by being proactive. Experience Philippines collaborated with Coastal Resource Management Unit of City of Legazpi, Bicol University Biology Department, DENR, and BFAR to allow our road trippers to learn and experience first hand on marine and wild conservations starting with Mangrove Reforestation and Coral Planting.

Starting this August 2018, Experience Philippines is offering a unique kind of experience where you can directly help in the improvement and preservation of our environment.

What To Expect In The Coral and Mangrove Restoration Experience.

  1. Seminar and Workshop with Environmental and Marine Expert
  2. Take part of the Legazpi Coral Planting
  3. Experience Giant Clam Encounter
  4. Be part of the Mangrove Planting experience.
  5. Learn how agriculture and marine preservation go hand in hand in a Countryside Immersion
  6. Work with farmers for an authentic Local Rice Planting Experience
  7. Take up a new skill with Abaca Weaving
  8. And a lot more.

Be An Ocean Ambassador

Through our combined effort, we can make a difference in protecting and conserving the marine life of the Philippines waters. Every little thing counts.

If you are interested in learning more, helping the environment and passing on the knowledge to others, be one of our Ocean ambassadors here. Just fill out the form below so you can join us in our advocacy in preserving the Philippine environment.

