Homeland is homeland! nothing can be like it or replace it!

My Shelter Earth
Experience world!
Published in
5 min readJul 27, 2021

I would like to start my thought with this text from the UN website

The number of international migrants reaches 272 million, continuing an upward trend in all world regions, says UN

Many people in the world today are outside of their homeland. The reason for this could be many from domestic war, employment opportunities, Powerfull countries suppressing weaker nations and making a living hard for them to stay in their homeland, natural disasters, or all-out war.

Asylum seekers are also a kind of immigrants but with far fewer opportunities and respect than legal immigrants. And sometimes people look at both of them with the same specs and that is not correct. Asylum seekers need much more care than immigrants.

Immigrants on the other hand go through a legal process and are either working or studying in a foreign country. They are paying taxes and living a life in a rule that the constitution of that country says. There are so many people living as an immigrant in Europe, America, and Australia from south Asian countries and Africa.

Each person has their own experiences and visions but in general, I can say all of the people have felt the racism and change in behaviour only because of them not being native to the country. Especially immigrants from Africans and South Asia, it is very difficult to hide their origin because of their appearance, even if the person has lived for decades in Europe, America or Australia someone will just come and say or do some racist act and hurt those personal feelings. We have noticed that this kind of action comes from his lack of education, maybe he thinks immigrant is some kind of invasion or him being feeling superior to immigrants.

We are in 2021, the earth is globalised, we move every day from one country to another, in some places we cross the nation to work in one nation while staying in another nation which is much visible in Europe specifically. In such a situation, the country should also be sensitive to this kind of feelings immigrants are having outside of their country. If all of the immigrants leave the country immediately that country will be in a deep economic problem similar will be the status of Europe, America and Australia. They should think about that also.

In Southeast Asian countries guests are regarded as gods and treated very respectfully whereas Americans, Australians and Europeans don’t have that culture, they think people came here because they are poor. Being far from their homeland and going through odd jobs and difficulties to integrate into European societies they are already facing challenges and on top of that rude behaviour of the native people and racist comments and behaviour doesn’t make them feel any good in their daily life.

Even though racism has been criticized and regarded as bad behaviour in all parts of the world no legal methods have been adopted by many of the countries from where we are seeing these events originating. Either UN is not making this a global agenda or powerful countries are not regarding this as a serious issue in their country. This is sometimes visible in news from France making burka illegal or dutch pork and immigrant issue, the german party not in favour of more immigrant, Americans racism to African and Asian origins etc.

Developed nations sometimes bring this term “integration” as a mechanism to make an immigrant mix with the society easily. As per what we have seen it has become just a thought process not implementation because this has to do with native peoples feelings toward the immigrant, even if they acquire the language they cannot acquire appearance and most of the time appearance has to do with what reactions he gets in metro, busses, cafes and bars.

If you dug deep into the origin of racism it will certainly come to the point when people flee or move to another country or region for whatever region. So, if you can make the people not migrate to another region what would be the changes in contrast to the current situation.

1. Develop your own country!

I think if all of the people go back to their own country then they will be the valuable workforce for their country. They can contribute their work in the same field or choose any comfortable field of their own. They may not earn the same level but they can live together with their own people and in their birth country. Even though development is not a day task nor a year, with the advent of technology now and your experience you will certainly make some contributions, if thousand people like you come together then certainly it will have collective effort and it will be visible in your lifetime.

2. Live together with your people

Immigrants live far away from their homes in uncomfortable living situations, either they will be alone or even if they find the community they will not be comparable to living and working with your own people. You will feel good every day for your contribution to society.

3. Give the same level of Effort

People get lazy or not motivated when they are in their homeland. Change this behaviour to do something great for your nation in some way. Take educations from your experiences, capitalize on your experience and use it for the good of you, your people and your country.

4. Human Emotions

You will have a great expression of your emotions when you will be in your homeland, when you are an immigrant you cannot express anger, love, care properly as you don’t understand the reactions people will have properly and will be afraid if something goes wrong but if you are in your home country you will be with your own people, you can fight for your rights properly, show care to your people, give and take love, contribute towards the development of your country.

This will enhance your everyday life in a great way that you have never thought of earlier. When your mind is free of fear and full of happiness you will find your life more interesting than usual.

5. Think in terms of countries Economy

Mostly in Africa and Asia people live in rural places and live their life struggling to come to the vibrant city, on contrary to that developed nation think of going to peace and quiet natural place like forest or lakes for enhancing their life! so who is gaining and who is losing? this is an open question to all of you immigrants.

We know our country is not doing as good as it should be and deep down if you drill it will be either neighbours or foreign politics influencing our country so that we remain poor counties and people will flee to developed or developing country putting all our assets in risk and serving their need of human resource. Think who is at loss!

People in developing nations have seen and felt countries economic situation and fleed but the values in comparison to what they will gain from helping their own economy are far more than from just getting out of responsibility.

Your life standard and your expenses and benefits are according to the countries economic and political status in the world, you as a member of the nation have the responsibility to enhance its status not just criticize the current status.

One thing conclusive of this whole situation is if you want to live a respectful life, it is with your own people who will appreciate your work. Even with decades of contribution, you will not get the same respect and appreciation as an immigrant. Homeland is homeland!

