A Modern Agency, A New Site

Unveiling an updated brand positioning for Struck—along with a new digital showcase for our work and the results it drives.

Matt Anderson
3 min readAug 9, 2018


Take a spin around the new struck.com

Remember when new agency websites used to be a big deal? There were easter eggs and features in AdAge—and desperate clamoring for an FWA, complete with the little banner/snipe that you could drop onto your homepage. We did all that stuff. A few times. I’ve now been at Struck long enough that I’ve seen a lumberjack’s handful (3–4) iterations of our site.

When I started, it was a beautiful Flash masterpiece. Impossible to update and packed with stunning animations. From there, we dove into an near-endless scroll site that accounted for nearly ever piece of work we’d ever created. And our last redesign (from 2015) focused on the deep relationships we’d developed with a smaller number of clients… Looking at the impact of our work in a more specific way.

This time, the change is more holistic. It’s not a website redesign, it’s a complete shift in the way we think about ourselves. We’ve always been misfits—part digital shop, part ad agency, part design boutique, part big-picture insight, part pixel-perfect execution. Each time we’ve tried to figure out exactly who we are and what we do, we’ve settled for a compromise like “digital-forward” or “strategically driven.” But as we set the course for our agency’s future, it felt better to simply affirm that Struck is a modern agency for evolutionary brands.

A modern agency is defined by three core characteristics—it is:

  1. Human — Empathy and understanding are the cornerstones of creative solutions that serve the people who need and use them. This applies to our strategic research and insights, to the experiences we create, and especially to ourselves and our relationships with our clients and their customers.
  2. Adaptive — The world flips upside down and back again. Our job is to adapt — to be nimble, flexible, smart and fast. There’s no time to wonder if the world is going to change. It’s always changing. Our work is to keep pace and to embrace the constant shifts in the landscape.
  3. Diverse — Different backgrounds, different perspectives, different approaches to the work that moves our clients and their customers. Struck still has a lot of ground to cover in this area, but we’re doing the work and seeing the impact that even a small agency can have.

All of that is about us: a modern agency. What about the second half of that phrase… the evolutionary brands part? Those are our clients—past, present and future. Evolutionary brands, by nature, are looking for growth. They welcome change in the same way that we do. They know that their customers engage with their brands in unique and varying ways—that they can’t always be broken up into nice, neat demographic packages. They strive for accountability and do everything possible to quantify and optimize their marketing efforts. That’s an evolutionary brand.

Every decision we make (and designing a new agency site is an exercise in eternal decision-making) can be held up against that criteria—what would a modern agency do? #WWAMAD? Probably no hashtag, but you get the idea.

The new site is, well, new. There’s a heightened emphasis on the results of our work—you’ll find metrics and KPIs attached to campaigns and projects. There are lots of new pieces of work and new faces and new thinking. We’re proud of it, but we’re much more proud of what it represents: a modern agency, on the lookout for evolutionary brand partners.

Give it a spin. Drop us a line. Let us know what you think. We’d love to talk about your brand and its evolution.

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Matt Anderson
Writer for

creative leader, future llama farmer. find me (almost) everywhere: @upto12.