Novel Graphics #04

What it’s not vs. What it is

Emily J. Volk
1 min readMar 11, 2016


When people ask how my internship is going, I start with a list of things it is not. I don’t have to go get coffee for people; I get to go have coffee with people. I don’t have to make copies; I get to write copy.

I’m not only working on real projects that excite me, I’m also surrounded by genuine people who think differently about what internships should and shouldn’t be.

Speaking of…we’re looking for a Summer Intern!

Emily Volk is a native Oregonian, runner, comics lover and copywriting intern at Struck. You can look at pictures of her cats on Instagram and connect with her on LinkedIn.

Jordan Manke is an Oregon transplant, former intern at Struck turned Interactive Designer and a wannabe photographer. You can look at his pretty pictures here and connect with him online here.

