Novel Graphics #07

If Portland Ad Agencies Were Kids From High School

Emily J. Volk
3 min readApr 1, 2016


Class of 2016 (from left to right)

Mutt–The punk rocker who everyone’s terrified of, but who will be the first one to stand up for you in a fight. His hobbies include making fun of the popular kids, being “over it”, reading, painting. Yes, painting. He’ll punch you in the face if you make fun of him for it. Often seen smoking a cigarette under the bleachers during band practice reading a Hunter S. Thompson novel.

Sincerely Truman–The dare I say, sincere and lovable science partner who helps you on your anatomy homework just because he’s a good dude. In his mind, the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything…is 42, and if you understand the reference, you’ll be lifelong buds. Often seen buried in comics you’ve never heard of (the best ones), and gets along with everyone despite his slight introversion.

Struck– The homeschooler who comes in once a week for phys ed and woodshop. Smart as heck, eager to learn, and loves to make cool shit. When he is at school, he jumps at the opportunity to collaborate with his peers. He adapts and chameleons his way through life, his schoolwork, and social situations. Often seen doodling, reading The Far Side, and making dad jokes.

Swift– The social butterfly who has perfected the art of Instagram (has 5,000 plus followers) and somehow just can’t take an ugly photo. She drinks craft coffee but sports it in the most beautiful Starbucks mug you have ever seen because it’s her favorite color. Often seen buying succulents, listening to her collection of vintage vinyl, and blogging about Portland Dining month. She is almost too cool to be real.

North– The outdoorsman, the low-key Eagle Scout, the always prepared. You need an eraser? He’s got you. You need a band-aid? He has 3 in his pocket. Need to be cut out of your seatbelt for whatever reason? You know he has an industrial seatbelt cutter. He’s the senior class vice president and leader of the wilderness club. Often seen wearing a beanie, training for an iron man, foraging for wild berries in Eastern Oregon, kayaking the Deschutes, and eating Clif bars as he climbs Smith Rock.

Instrument– The videographer, the amateur filmmaker, the one who’s destined for film school in Brooklyn after graduation. She has an eye for the world, and through her lens shows beauty in everyday encounters. She is somewhat quiet, only because she is an observer. Her latest mini-documentary will be featured at Telluride this year. Often seen on her phone taking video that she later edits down to upload on her [beautiful] Vimeo account.

Emily Volk is a native Oregonian, runner, comics lover and copywriting intern at Struck. You can look at pictures of her cats on Instagram and connect with her on LinkedIn.

Dustin Davis is a creative director at Struck. He loves espresso and hot dogs. But not together. Never together. Also comics. And Twitter.

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