The New

Matt Anderson
Published in
3 min readJan 26, 2016


If you want the truth, here it is: No project is as terrible as your own website. If you’ve worked on one, you know how it goes — too many opinions, too many ideas, never enough time, never enough focus. I’m not trying to start this post on a negative note, but I figured we should get that out of the way. Our new site has been no different. I won’t admit when we started working on it. I’ll simply say that it’s long overdue — while adding that we’re incredibly proud of the result.

The new is a giant leap forward. It’s a modern site that showcases our creativity alongside our strategic chops. In many ways, this new site is a reflection of the changes that have happened at Struck over the last four/five years.

Deeper Client Stories
We’re no longer a creative production shop, cranking out dozens of projects with big-agency partners around the world. The structure of our site needed to reflect that change. Gone is the endless scroll of projects. Gone is the funky sorting of projects by category and industry (though the debate around this one still rages on). Instead, we’ve focused on five client narratives — stories that demonstrate our complete agency capabilities. Strategic thinking, creative excellence, long-term relationships.

Creativity Reigns
All this serious talk about strategy and long-term relationships doesn’t mean we’ve lost our way. We’re still a creative agency, driven to make things that’ve never been made before. The new site contains touches and flourishes and illustrations galore. The rotating homepage marquee allows our designers to give their own spin on a part of our process — and to show what it means to Defy Logic through a spirit of Greater Than.

More People, More Culture
At one point in the process, we landed on a simple consensus… If you have to make a video with “Culture” in the title to showcase your culture — well, maybe you’re doing it wrong. It’s the same principle that if you have to tell everyone how cool you are, you definitely aren’t very cool. At the same time, Struck is a vibrant, creative haven made special by all the people who choose to work here. We like each other. We do weird things together. We fight for our, um, culture. So, we tried to weave that spirit throughout the entire site. More photos of people doing what they do. More scribbles. Sharper language. But no “culture” videos. Never.

Behind the Scenes
We love it when our favorite artists and designers pull back the curtain. And we’re hoping to do the same. You’ll find more works in progress, more sketches and more rough drafts on the site — in our client narratives and also on our social channels.

Platforms Gotta Platform
We killed our blog and replaced it with something we call Today-ish. It’s a snapshot of our most current content on each of our favorite platforms. Long-form writing from Medium. Images and short videos from Instagram. Semi-coherent ramblings from Twitter. We even archived most of our legacy projects on Behance. It’s a wonderful world, right? Our site doesn’t have to do all of these things. We can use specialized platforms and then aggregate the highlights. Want to see it all? Just jump to Everything-ish.

Iteration and Evolution
We could’ve spent another year polishing and refining the site. But, about a week ago, we decided to practice what we preach (iteration!) and we launched. Is the new site perfect? Of course not. Nothing on the internet is (except maybe this). So we’ll keep evolving. We’ll add new client narratives. We’ll clean up our messes. And, as it all happens, we hope you’ll give it whirl and let us know what you think.

Matt Anderson is the CEO/ECD at Struck. He’s also a husband, a father, a San Francisco Giants fan, a vinyl collector and a book reader.

You can find him on Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.



Matt Anderson

creative leader, future llama farmer. find me (almost) everywhere: @upto12.