Our 2016 Top Ten Reading List

Leader Development
The Medical Leader
Published in
1 min readDec 22, 2016

Multiple blogs, think tanks and scholars list their top reads for the year. I often wonder how they have time to read everything on their list. Over the last couple years I have committed to reading for an hour each day in an attempt to expand my knowledge across multiple domains. The below list is not exhaustive, there were many more books I could have listed here, but these ten are ones that had an impact on my thinking, both at work and when looking at the world. (Links to the books on Amazon)

  1. Dereliction of Duty by H.R. McMaster
  2. How We Got To Now by Steven Johnson
  3. After War: The Political Economy of Exporting Democracy by Christopher Coyne
  4. The Direction of War by Hew Strachan
  5. The Savior Generals by Victor Davis Hanson
  6. Misbehaving by Richard H. Thaler
  7. A Passion for Leadership by Robert Gates
  8. The Age of the Unthinkable by Joshua Ramo
  9. The Army Officer’s Guide to Mentoring by Raymond Kimball
  10. Duty by Robert Gates

We invite you to post your list below!


