What Does Working Out Loud Really Mean?

Paul Taylor
What I’m Thinking
1 min readJul 23, 2017
Image via Tanmay Vora

I’m wondering what working out loud really means.

To some it’s just tweeting. To some it’s defaulting to transparency in every social interaction

“Working Out Loud = Observable Work + Narrating Your Work”

I think people underestimate the difficulty in working out loud.

Working out loud is hard.

It means sharing what you are doing in the bad times not just the good.

It means asking for help when you need it.

It means saying when you don’t feel very motivated or productive.

It means sharing failure.

It means demonstrating the value to colleagues who just don’t get it.

I’m committing to keeping this Medium going over the next 12 months to help me understand what working out loud means to me.



Paul Taylor
What I’m Thinking

Innovation Coach and Co-Founder of @BromfordLab. Follow for social innovation and customer experience.