Escape your On-Premise Prison and Decrease Costs

2 min readAug 29, 2018


Trying to modernize monolithic legacy applications is hard. Yet, moving to a public or private cloud can dramatically reduce operational costs and speed up delivery of key features. But how do you get there from here? In this seminar we’ll jump into pragmatic ways to improve the way legacy applications are built and deployed as well as how to take an incremental approach to modernize those applications.

  • ‍Staff spend time keeping it working or engineering around IT constraints instead of building new features.
  • ‍As the application’s components get out of date, team members are harder to hire and spend more time training.
  • The infrastructure required to support monoliths gets expensive fast, as more usage often requires more exotic database licenses and more expensive hardware.

What You’ll Learn:

Migrating a monolith to the cloud safely:

  • How to provision the infrastructure for your application
  • How to configure and deploy your application
  • How being in the cloud simplifies testing and accelerates deployment
  • How to buy only the hardware & software capacity you need

Utilizing SAAS products to replace legacy components:

  • ‍Simplifying your team’s operational overhead by utilizing cloud managed services for resilience and security
  • ‍Utilizing cloud monitoring to get real time outage alerts
  • Centralizing security & configuration management for greater agility




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