How the Expload Platform Evolved in February


Aleksey Fomkin
2 min readMar 18, 2019


Hi everyone! During February, our team was concentrating on further optimizing the usability of our desktop application: we squashed the bugs, streamlined the registration and login processes, and added new marketplace and payment features.

User experience continuously improved:

  • Lengthy processes have been visualized, such as application loading (a splash screen appears), authorization check, etc.
Expload’s splash screen featuring laconic design
  • A global notification system has been implemented to keep users informed about maintenance works and other events on the platform.
  • The session is now saved once the nickname has been changed.
  • A button lock system has been added.
  • The application now responds instantly to user actions.

New CardPay features supported:

  • XGold can now be purchased using the euro.
XGold purchasing options in the user profile
  • In case of an emergency, payments can be disabled by the platform’s operator.

Basic marketplace functionality delivered:

  • A filter system has been provided for users to pinpoint their search among the multitude of items.
Simple and intuitive filter system
  • A user inventory has been added to store purchased items.
  • It is now possible to purchase and sell items at the marketplace, including those kept in the user’s inventory (prior to this, developers could display their assets, but the trading mechanism wasn’t yet enabled).

Registration and login processes streamlined:

  • In the event of a failed registration attempt caused by input errors, the field entries will now be saved.
  • The enter key can now be used instead of clicking the submit button.
  • The email confirmation code and the password recovery code are valid for a longer period — 24 hours.
  • The nickname can be changed no more than once in 24 hours.
  • The interface has been tweaked to improve the user experience while creating an account.
  • The application installer has been revamped, with an Expload logo added to the installation wizard.

Application launch issues cured for macOs:

  • Crashes, fails, hangs, and black screen issues previously seen have been fixed.

You are welcome to become a beta tester for the Expload application, just visit our website to join.

