How the Expload Platform Evolved this Summer


Aleksey Fomkin
3 min readSep 16, 2019


Hi there! During the summer, we focused on rolling out technological improvements to our Pravda blockchain and enhancing the player experience. Furthermore, we were busy polishing the documentation for game developers and systemizing the stockpiled materials helpful in creating games.

Updates for Developers:

  • We have revamped the design and improved navigation for the site, where we have gathered and structured information for game developers.
  • We have substantially updated the documentation for the development and integration of games with the Expload platform.
  • We have implemented the ‘Playground’ for game developers — this being a special sandbox environment, where they can gain familiarity with the Expload platform, write and immediately deploy Pravda programs on the blockchain node. For details, please visit our site.

Changes to the Pravda Blockchain:

  • We have fixed the serialization of nondeterministic effects.
  • We have added information about the method of retrieving XGold balance to the dApp API documentation.
  • We now use the Bouncy Castle implementation of ed25519.
  • We have implemented the possibility to call the program method for CLI and Broadcaster without having to write an assembler code.
  • We have streamlined the development of Pravda programs by adding the Remove method, which allows keys to be removed from the C# Dictionary.
  • We have created a new ‘timestamp’ field within the event generation API, which enables the developer to determine the time when the event was generated.
  • We have reinforced the security of our Pravda blockchain, having introduced an additional security layer, which aims to prevent duplicate transactions.
  • We have updated the Tendermint consensus protocol, which underpins our blockchain, to the latest version.
  • We have made improvements to the Pravda program for XGold — Spend and Refund events now contain information about the transaction sender.
  • We have developed a utility for the importing and exporting of transactions recorded on the Pravda blockchain. It can for instance be used to dump the blockchain’s public network and restore all the information in your local environment.

User Experience:

  • The size of the application has been reduced by 20%, which enhances launch speed of the application.
  • The registration procedure has been simplified — users are no longer required to submit an application and wait for its approval.
  • The application has received an autorun feature, whilst giving the option for this to be disabled in the settings.
  • The application is now checked for the latest version whenever it is started, with the updates installed in the background mode.
  • The game pages that are displayed in Expload’s application and site, have a new ‘Updates’ section.
  • Our overlay, which is displayed above the games, has become transparent.
  • We have also added a ‘Support’ button to the games’ pages.
  • The scope of collected data has been reduced. For example, users are no longer required to specify their country of residence when creating an account.
  • We have localized the application for the English-speaking community. Languages can be switched in the settings and we are looking to soon have the games localized.
  • We have tweaked minor bugs in the application and the interface.
  • We are currently making improvements to the Expload Web Wallet:

— it has now become possible to purchase XGold.

— XTrophy can now be withdrawn to the user’s personal e-wallets or bank cards

We are now gradually moving from the development phase to operational. We have ensured that developers have access to all the updated documentation, while players are welcome to join the beta test by downloading the Expload application that can be found on the Expload site.

