Explode Code Talks — 0x03

PHP/MVC/CMS/Cycript — Feb 25th, 2014 @7pm

Greg Smith


Explode Code is back!! After an unfortunate hiatus for the latter part of 2013 we are kicking off 2014 with a new format for the “Talks” series. Each event will have a theme and presentations are now 30mins with 10-15mins for Q&A to give our speakers more time to delve into their topic.

This event will focus on PHP/MVC/CMS

Derek Martin (@lo_fye) | “Intro to Laravel: models, views, controllers, and more” — laravel is a new framework that’s taking the php world by storm.

James Doyle (@james2doyle) | “The Alternative CMS” — WYSIWYG is WTF

Hate WYSIWYG? Get some insight into the flat-file cms movement, the Markdown format, and where the web trends are heading. Learn about some alternative platforms and why they can actually excel above the big ones. Presented by James Doyle of WARPAINT Media.

Adam Bell (@B3ll) | “ Building and Breaking stuff with Cycript”

Ever heard of Cycript? Great. If not, now you have, and it’ll probably become your new best friend! LLDB, GDB, step aside, it’s time to learn about “objective debugging”.

We’re also going to change venues for each event to give London’s tech companies the opportunity to show off their spaces. I want to thank Big Viking Games for hosting the first two events. Their space and hospitality were amazing!

Inner Geek will sponsor and host this event. That means pizza and you get to check out our awesome space :D

If you’re interesting in hosting or sponsoring an Explode Code event you can contact me at greg [at] somethingon [dot] ca or @SomethingOn

Join us Feb 25th @ 7pm

Inner Geek 242 Dundas St, London ON

Register at Eventbrite



Greg Smith

Sr Dev at @RaceRoster and @ExplodeConf Executive Producer. Web Dev & Entrepreneur. I love reading about business, tech and marketing.