Upcoming Explode Code Topics

We’re looking for speakers!

Greg Smith


First, I would like to thank everyone who took the time to fill out our survey. We had 32 responses which is about 50% of our usual audience and in my opinion a great response rate.

Though the voting was close, the top 3 choices definitely stood out from the rest and here they are:


With so many security breaches being reported at companies like LinkedIn, Target and EverNote this is a very important topic and something we could all learn a little more about. Implementing OAuth, Encryption and setting your servers up correctly can help prevent these attacks, keeping your customers data and your brand safe.


MEAN stands for MongoDB, Express, AngularJS and Nodejs which have become the new tools for the cool kids in Web Application development. You’re basically working with Javascript from client all the way through to your database, which means crazy fast performance, but also a fundamentally new way to look at structuring and building Web Apps.

Cloud Services

The fastest, easiest and most scalable approach to building an app today is to use a cloud service. They have reduced the cost and ease of launching an app to almost zero yet are built to scale to enormous proportions! Netflix, Pinterest, Titanfall and even the Official Miley Cyrus website are backed by services like Heroku, AWS and Microsoft Azure. Learn how to get started and scale with Cloud Services.

If you have experience in these topics and want to be a speaker tweet @explodecode or email me at greg[at]somethingon[dot]ca. We’d like to hold the next event Thursday May 1st, but that will depend on how quickly we can lock down “Security” speakers, so if you know someone in that field tell them to get in touch with us!



Greg Smith

Sr Dev at @RaceRoster and @ExplodeConf Executive Producer. Web Dev & Entrepreneur. I love reading about business, tech and marketing.