Class Review: Barry’s Bootcamp

Edward Cheung
Explorations in Movement
3 min readJul 1, 2016

Advertised as “the best workout in the world”, Barry’s Bootcamp is a 1-hour long class focused on high intensity running and weight training. Here’s their intro video:

The Process

Sign up is easily done online. There are workouts throughout the day at my location. I signed up the same day for a class at night. When signing up, you choose a treadmill or floor location that you’ll be switching between. This lets you reserve a space you prefer or to be near your friends. The first class is $27 and the drop in after that is $32.

My location in SOMA had showers and lockers. Since your specified spot in class is reserved, you don’t have to rush in to claim a spot. However class starts promptly and on time. I joined a 6:30pm class that had a wide range of people of different fitness levels.

Class starts with treadmill or floor, depending on which you signed up for(you’ll alternate between the two equally). There is one instructor for the class of 40. He’ll refer to the treadmill group and give instructions and then do the same for the floor group. For example, he’ll tell us to set a certain speed and grade for the treadmill group. You may choose your treadmill speed but the instructor will try to keep pushing everyone. For the floor, he’ll demo an exercise and you follow suit. The floor exercises are easy to follow. You choose the appropriate dumbbell weight for these exercises. During my session, pride got in my way and I picked a heavier set than I should have. This became challenging as you are constantly moving during the class. The instructor will count down how much more time is left in that segment. When the time comes, you switch from tread to floor or vice versa. High fives are encouraged to congratulate each other on finishing that segment. This is repeated until an hour is done.

My Take

It’s like having the motivational part of a personal trainer but in a group setting. On the treadmill, it helped to have someone push me on my sprints, even though he wasn’t watching. For the floor, the class is way too large for the instructor to actually give form tips on any of the exercises. But he does keep you moving, which is what the class is about. It’s great for people who need a little pushing to exercise. There is also a group dynamic of support with high fives amongst your neighbors during class. After the class is over, everyone can commiserate together.

Movement Verdict:

  • Strength Required: 0/5
  • Coordination Required: 0/5
  • Fun Factor: 2/5 (Results may vary, some people love high intensity training)
  • Cost: $32/drop in. Can be used with ClassPass.
  • Who it’s for: People who need the motivational push to exercise (without the cost of a personal trainer). People who like sprinting/high intensity training.

