Use jupyter notebook in vs code like a pro

Lakshmisowjanya Garapati
Explore Data Science
2 min readMar 29, 2022


Hello everyone,

As you might have understood what we are going to discuss here by looking into the title.

Image copyrights goes to respective owner

Yes, We are going to learn how we can effectively use jupyter notebooks on vscode without explicitly installing Anaconda.

Let’s get started 😎

Introduction :

As a python programmer, I am sure you will be aware of using jupyter notebooks with the installation of Anaconda-navigator. It is a great software which comes in integration with other IDEs such as VS Code, Spyder, Pycharm etc.

But sometimes, When I am working with Python , I want my IDEs or the applications I use for coding should be attractive so that they bring more interest to me to continue with the work.

A jupyter notebook ends with .ipynb extension

But in jupyter, there is no such thing (Share in the comments if I am wrong) . I agree it is so much comfortable with all it’s way of using cells for each block of code and it’s visualisation feature for viewing graphs and pictures in the notebook itself.

As I said, I want my IDE to be attractive, where VS code became my favourite IDE to use.

So I want to use jupyter notebook and VS code as well for my work. That is where I researched and found a way.

Jupyter Extension :

As we know that VS code has lot of amazing extensions to work with. So there is an extension called Jupyter which allows us to work with Jupyter notebooks in the VS Code itself. All you need to do is install that extension in your visual studio code.


  1. Go to VS Code into the Extensions tab which looks like below

2. Search for Jupyter and install it.

3. Create a file with .ipynb extension.

That’s it you are good to go.

Below is the video tutorial.

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Thanks for reading❤️.

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Have a Good Day :)


