Why You Should NOT Study Abroad

Kamil Kuklis
Explore. Everyday.
Published in
4 min readJan 25, 2016

Seriously, don’t do it!

You will visit boring countries.

So now you move to another country… and, there is nothing to see. Literally, it will be a country like every other. Amazing cities, gorgeous landscapes and interesting history. Do you really want to see that?

View over Lisbon // Thanks Chiara ;)

You won’t understand anyone.

That’s a real pain in the ass. Nobody understands you! The simplest things as ordering a kebab or buying tube cleaner for your plugged bathtub will end up in a low-budget Charlie Chaplin remake, starring a trained monkey expressing its wants and needs with all kind of gestures and sounds. And probably all the people around will try to help you and your few learned, but mispronounced words, to find a solution and make everybody happy. Do you really want to deal with that?

You will live in dirty and uncomfortable dormitories or flats.

Where will you live during your stay? Probably in some godforsaken dormitory on a former military property you found in the internet, run by some suspicious guy who doesn’t even know you booked a room when you arrived. The rent is cheap, it’s close to the university and city center, it’s fully equipped and sometimes you have the chance to meet a chilling cat in your kitchen. Do you really want to live there?

Chilling cat

You will meet awful people.

Yeah, so now the people…you left your family and friends back in your home country. All of a sudden you need to meet new people or even make new friends. Do you remember primary school… exactly…How awful is that?! All these efforts, only to have someone to help you setting up a bank account, finding bars you can call YOUR bar after some time and going crazy every weekend on parties you always dreamed about?… Unforgettable moments. Do you really want to risk it?

Lisbon crew

You will eat disgusting things

Mmmmh… all this delicious food at home… you will miss it right away. Because all the food you will get now sounds like a mix of North Korean cooking show and lost circus animals, with bizzare names like pigeons (Gołąbki) or horseback-riding steak (bife à cavalo). Sure, it will taste awesome, doesn’t cost a lot and you will ask yourself, why you haven’t ever tried this before but do you really want to try this?

Crazy polish food

You will study at a shitty university

Okay, let’s forget about all this. It’s about studying, isn’t it? Yeah, but when you see these universities abroad …*facepalm*. I mean, how can you study there? Top ranked universities, awesome professors, modern lecture halls and IT infrastructure. Do you really want to study there?

Católica Lisbon

You won’t be happy

And the worst of all … you won’t be happy. There is simply no way you can possibly feel something like happiness afterall. The new country, new language, new people, new food, new habits … you will feel like Buzz Lightyear outside of the house, Jon Snow behind the wall or Harry Potter in his first year. Probably you will come back as a new person, with tons of amazing, shocking and sometimes emabrassing stories, lots of new friends, AND with a big smile on your face. Do you really want that?

I’m pretty strong, right? :D

So be warned! Do you really want all this? Or are you still thinking about spending your student life in the same place, with the same people and the same everything? Your life, your choice.

Hi! Thanks a lot for reading! My name is Kamil and I’m a double degree student. After finishing my Bachelor in Germany, I decided to study abroad and started my Master at Kozminski University in Warsaw. After one year there I left to finish my double degree at Católica in Lisbon. Currently, I’m the happiest person alive, traveling the world, meeting amazing people and doing crazy shit! I hope you enjoyed my article and you feel more motivated to move your ass abroad! :D

