Thomas Klein
Explore Perak
Published in
2 min readOct 4, 2019
Students from 5Sc1 and 5Sc2 enjoy breakfast together at a local mamak restaurant

Today was such a fun day. Early morning at 7.00 am, I arrived at my school, SMK Aminuddin Baki Chemor by my grandfather’s car. After taking a photo, we departed from our school using by bus at 7.15 am. At 7.45 am, we arrived at a kedai mamak Indian to have our breakfast. I sat with my friends Syahirah, Atikah, Zulaikha, Lailatul, Shafiq, Farris and my friend- Qin Yi. We enjoyed our breakfast happily. The foods that we ordered was mee goring, roti telur, roti canai and drinks such as hot milo and teh ice. When eating, Farris kept playing on his handphone, so we advised him to stop playing, Farris was obedient.

Louise Liew Ke Hui (5Sc2)

Students pose for a pic, post-roti canai

After 20 minutes of the journey, we stopped at the Mamak stall in Tasek for breakfast. This time our charitable Mr Thomas treated everyone. Everyone was so happy because we could eat anything since he let us do so. My friends and I ordered a plate of Roti Canai for each of us. Me and Pijah ordered a cup of Teh Tarik while the others ordered a glass of Iced Tea. Roti Canai and Teh Tarik is the best combination for breakfast in Malaysia! It made me feel full and energetic at the same time.

Rabietul Adawiyah (5Sc1)

Fulbright ETA’s eat up to help chaperone a day’s activities


I arrived at school and waited for the rest of the students to come.

After teacher Roshidah instructed us to line up we were divided into two groups. My friends and I got on the same bus! Then we took pictures together.

Then we stopped at Naina to have breakfast where me and my friends except Pijah ordered some roti canai. We also ordered the same drinks as usual –teh ais. Mr. Thomas paid for us!

Nur Erni Shahirah Bt Mohd Ishak (5Sc1)



Thomas Klein
Explore Perak

Thomas is a 2019 Fulbright ETA at SMK Aminuddin Baki Chemor in Perak, Malaysia. He is a 2018 graduate of NYU Abu Dhabi.