Digital Storytelling

I’ve already talked a little bit about the importance of knowing how to make a solid digital story. Digital stories are fun to make and often times they can be very inspirational. It takes less time to edit and put all the pieces together such as music, pictures, videos and voice overs than when you are working on an actual video, film or stunt. However, it sill requires some basic skills, creativity and knowledge to make a good digital story.

To be honest, college didn’t teach me that much. I mean, you have to learn it by yourself. And if you are curious enough you will use all the sources available for you nowadays to learn all the techniques that can help you to present the best work.

As with pretty much any other experience that I mentioned before, my first experience with digital storytelling didn’t turn out to be as good as I imagined. But later on my works became a little bit better (wouldn’t say that they are good haha).

The most important part about digital storytelling is that you actually have to have a good imagination to make a good story that your viewers will appreciate. Then you have to put all the pieces together with FinalCut and make a solid voice over with audio recording programs such as Adobe Audition or a simplier version that is called Audacity.

Here is one of my first digital stories that I did in college.

