This Is How You Can Recruit Your Growth Mindset When Things Don’t Happen Your Way

Be With Your Sensation And Listen

Lalitha Brahma
Explore Your Magnificent Self
2 min readJan 6, 2024


Photo by Daniel J. Schwarz on Unsplash

What am I used to when it comes to writing an article in

Typing the Draft using the keyboard in my laptop.

Using the grammarly app available on the laptop.

What happened today?

There is no internet and I am not as inspired to write my article using the phone as I’m used to using my laptop.

How did I feel or what was I saying to myself?

Oh God! help me get out of the fixed mindset of doing things a certain way and just give me a growth mindset right now so that I don’t think of not having Internet or not being inspired.

Then what did I do?

I picked up a Large print Word Hunt Book that called me to say

“Hey Lalitha I am here. You didn’t connect with me for such a long time. Why don’t you do a puzzle right now?”


What did I do?

Listened to that beautiful unheard conversation and showed up to it.

Here you go!

Picture of word hunt puzzle page captured by author Lalitha Brahma

What happened after that?

I opened a medium App on the phone and started using the microphone feature to just express my words as you are reading right now in a question-and-answer form. That is it. One article was written in a few minutes.

I invite you to try and let me know how you act when the unexpected situation happens and you consciously tell yourself

“Let me use my growth mindset right now”

What new action step do you take?

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