Let’s define maturity

Explore yourself
Published in
2 min readApr 27, 2018

We have always come across this statement “Try to be matured”, but what does they actually convey us!! Maturity is not always growing up. Its our way of handling situations and change in our actions & reactions.

Then: Me: Friendship is all about being together always.

Now: Me: No dude its all about caring and respecting the feelings of each other, being there at hard times and making heartful memories.

Then: Me: She said me ‘NO’ so i hate her and i don’t talk to her anymore.

Now: Me: When i have right to confess , she has right to reject it. I respect her feeling.

Then: Me: We make gossips on someone’s situation without knowing what they go through.

Now: Me: Everyone is fighting their own battle.

Then: Me: When people talk behind my back, it was like what i did , that was not me and i wanted to prove them they are wrong.

Now: Me: Gossips!! Come on dude grow up.

Then: Me: I fought with her and i’m going bid her good bye.

Now: Me: Actually fighting is all about caring.

Then: Me: She expected something out of me, i didn’t fulfill it and there ends our relationship. Then there comes all those worst times of life.

Now: Me: The same thing happens but now i don’t react at all because not fulfilling her expectation was not my fault. I should be liked for who i am.

Then: Me: When someone appreciates me that will be the talk of mine for the next few days.

Now: Me: Thanks (end of convo)

Then: Me: When someone does well , My whole world will just thinks to do more than him.

Now: Me: I try to improve myself everyday in every possible way. I want to see better version of myself in long run.

All these small things we fail to do is a matter of maturity. It is not such a big thing that comes with ages even a small kindness , small forgiveness , small help, small understanding matters.

Nothing bothers you unless you react to it. Try to understand others and respect them, there comes a different level of maturity. But always remember “You” comes before any others. Be kind thats what the world needs most. Now don’t ask me why should I be kind when the world is not?? Let it be you who try the change, being matured is always in our actions.


