Explore Coin Is Decentralizing Travelling

Explore Coin
Explore Coin
Published in
1 min readSep 24, 2017

Explore Coin is a cryptocurrency have been designed to be the leading travel cryptocurrency around the world. Through the use of the blockchain, the currency will be independent of banking or governmental institutions. This will grant the user more privacy and security than any of the traditional methods of payment travelers currently use.

Through the forming of partnerships around the world, Explore Coin will be the most widely accepted cryptocurrency in the travel industry. Ecoplore our sister company has already partnered with 70+ Eco-friendly companies, and the number of partners is growing every day.

Explore Coin will continue to expand into the future allowing its users to keep more of their own money in their pocket without having to worry about expensive currency exchange fees all protecting the personal information of the user.


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Medium — https://medium.com/explorecoin

Reddit — https://www.reddit.com/r/ExploreCoin/

Quora — https://www.quora.com/profile/Explore...

Github — https://github.com/explorecoin

