Miamisburg Christian
1 min readJul 30, 2017
A series on Community starting August 13

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” -Acts 2:42

Community was an essential ingredient to the church from the very beginning. Today loneliness is at an all time high. As we are driven further and further into isolation, we need to remember that we are designed for community.

As Luke records the earliest history of the church in the book of Acts we see the things that were considered vital to the life of the movement of God. The commonality of mission and the community of the believers are two resounding themes throughout the new testament.

As christianity spread it also organized and problems were solved, but also with size and organization comes complexity. Complexity can make you forget what is most important. So, today in each of our lives and in the life of the church, community is worth fighting for. For four weeks in August we will go back to the start and remember what is most important to the church and to our lives.



Miamisburg Christian

Helping People Begin and Build a relationship with Jesus