The King and His Kingdom

Miamisburg Christian
3 min readMay 8, 2017

In many ways the teachings of Jesus can seem upside down. But, Jesus came to establish a new way to live. He came to show a life that was full, and he gives us both guidance and grace as we seek to follow Him.

As we witness Jesus interact with people in the Gospels, we see him establishing a Kingdom. One that would prioritize the lost being found, and everyone being drawn into the restoration that God was bringing. Jesus was the greatest teacher to ever walk the earth, and in each interaction, we can find Him showing us how we should live.

Over the course of May and June, we will look at seven different interactions Jesus had and look closely at what the upside down ways of the Kingdom of God have for us.

What’s Up at MCC During this Series?

Below is the Latest Announcement Video:

Here are all the things coming up at MCC over the next few weeks:

  1. Compassion Room Available- We know that holidays can be tough. For some, Mother’s Day is one of the hardest days of the year. For others, Father’s Day reminds them of a dad they lost or one they’ve never known. While we will celebrate on these days, we will not lose sight of the fact that some people need space to grieve or mourn. This Sunday (May 14) and on other specific days, we will have a Compassion Room open and available for those who might be having a tough day.
  2. First Step- May 21, First Step is just that, your first step in discipleship at MCC. Whether you are new to church in general, or just new to MCC this conversation is a place for you. The discussion is led every other month by Lead Pastor, Mike Tuttle, and is a great chance to connect with people at the church. During our time together you will hear a bit about the history of MCC and the things we hold as our core beliefs and values.
  3. Family Sunday (June 4)- Will be a big day! Save the date for Promotion Sunday, which is the day every child K-12 officially promotes to their next grade level room. We will also honor our grads on at the 11:00 service so be sure to email pictures of your grads to by May 21 to participate. Finally, on that day we will have a free Family BBQ to kick off the summer. No need to rsvp, just show up and enjoy lunch with us that day!
  4. VBS (June 5–9)- Every kid is uniquely wired for one reason. They were wonderfully made in the image of God. During this year’s VBS, kids (3 year olds & potty-trained to entering grade 5) will be learning about how God made each of us in HIS image and unique at the same time! We will look to capture a kid’s imagination about their Creator so they can discover how they are MADE by God. MADE for a relationship with Jesus. And MADE to love others. This summer, discover how the Creator of all things created us to know and love Him.
  5. Mina Project- Kicks off June 25. Grow your investment for the Kingdom of God! More details are coming soon!

For more details about any of the events head to



Miamisburg Christian

Helping People Begin and Build a relationship with Jesus