3 ways you can leverage Chat-GPT as an Entrepreneur.

Exploring AI
Published in
7 min readJan 6, 2023

1. Generate business ideas / integrations into existing businesses.

Chat-GPT can be very useful when coming up with new business ideas. You can give it simple prompts like “Give me a list of business ideas in technology” We get the following output.

AI generated business ideas

Then you can take this a step further. For example, lets take #1 on the list as and use the prompt “Give me 3 ways to integrate AI into #1” (since it has memory we don't need to specify what #1 is — it knows. I also like to a number like 3 and say “3 ways” to condense the ideas. You can always regenerate if you need to, but looking at 2 or 3 items is easier than 20)

Once we give it this prompt “Give me 3 ways to integrate AI into #1” We get he following output

AI integrates AI into business idea

Now we have 3 ways to integrate AI into a mobile app development business. We can continue to add or prompt for new ideas and incorporate various concepts we would like to see in the business. This is also useful for finding new ways your business could add a product line, or an integration with a technology that would value for your users or customers.

2. Create/design a plan for almost anything — a new business or withing your existing business.

I know this broad, but it really is amazing at the plans you can create for almost anything you can imagine. This is best explained by taking a look at at an example. Lets use the mobile app development business we had the AI came up with above. We will use the prompt “Design a detailed business plan for this mobile app development business that integrates AI” and we get the following business plan

Executive Summary:

Our mobile app development business will focus on creating innovative, user-friendly apps that utilize artificial intelligence (AI) to improve performance and enhance the user experience. By leveraging the power of machine learning and natural language processing (NLP), we will be able to offer our clients a wide range of AI-powered features and functionality. We will target small and medium-sized businesses in the retail, healthcare, and financial industries, as well as consumer-facing apps in the lifestyle and entertainment sectors.

Market Analysis:

The mobile app development market is highly competitive, but there is a growing demand for apps that incorporate AI. According to a report by MarketsandMarkets, the global AI in mobile app market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 35.2% between 2020 and 2025, reaching a market size of $7.3 billion. Our target market of small and medium-sized businesses is particularly interested in using AI to improve customer engagement and streamline operations. By focusing on this niche, we hope to differentiate ourselves from larger, more established app development firms.

Product/Service Description:

Our mobile app development services will include the design and development of custom apps for iOS and Android devices. We will work closely with clients to understand their business goals and objectives, and design apps that meet their specific needs. Our team of experienced developers will use the latest tools and technologies to create high-quality, scalable apps that deliver a seamless user experience. We will also offer ongoing support and maintenance services to ensure that our apps continue to perform at the highest level.

Marketing and Sales Strategy:

We will market our mobile app development services through a combination of online and offline channels. Online marketing efforts will include search engine optimization (SEO), social media advertising, and content marketing. We will also attend industry trade shows and events to network with potential clients and promote our services. To generate leads, we will offer free consultations and assessments to businesses interested in developing a mobile app. Once we have identified a potential client, we will follow up with a formal proposal and quotation.

Financial Projections:

Our financial projections are based on the assumption that we will secure 12 new clients in the first year, with an average project value of $50,000. We expect to see a steady increase in clients and revenue in subsequent years, as our reputation and portfolio of successful projects grows. Our target profit margin is 30%, and we will re-invest a portion of our profits into marketing and business development efforts to ensure long-term growth.


By focusing on the development of AI-powered mobile apps, we believe that our business will be well positioned to capitalize on the growing demand for this type of technology. With a strong team, a clear marketing and sales strategy, and realistic financial projections, we are confident that our business will be successful in this competitive market.

Once you have the detailed plan you can dive into each section and ask Chat-GPT to expand or create a plan for that section etc.

Lets look at another example of a design for a react file structure we can as ask Chap-GPT to create. We will continue with our Mobile App business concept and use the prompt “design a react app file structure using node.js and mongo db for a mobile application that uses AI to help users develop mobile applications” and we get the following output:

AI creates file structure for react app for business idea

We even get a nice explanation after the code: This file structure separates the client-side code (located in the “client” directory) from the server-side code (located in the “server” directory). The client directory contains the React components, pages, and utility functions, as well as the static assets (HTML, CSS, and icons). The server directory contains the MongoDB models, API routes, and the main server file. The “package.json” file lists the dependencies for the app, and the “.gitignore” file specifies which files should be ignored by Git when committing code changes.

We can take this even further by beginning to have Chat-GPT start to create each file in this application. For example use a prompt like “create the app.js file for this application” and we get the following output. You can do this for each file in the application.

AI creates files for the application

3. Schedule and write tweets

Now that you've got your business idea, your plan, and some of your code started you are going to need to start thinking about marketing. Twitter is a great place to start. Writing and scheduling tweets can be time consuming and mentally draining when you have to constantly think of new ideas. Chat-GPT is extremely effective at writing and scheduling tweets. For example you can use the prompt “Write me a tweet schedule starting on January 10 at 6 am with 1 tweet every 2 hours. Format the date as Jan 6, 2023 6:00 AM”

The output is as follows.

AI creates tweet schedule

We then ask it to put this into a table format by using the prompt “ put this into a table” We get the following output.

AI creates tweet schedule in a table

Now that we have the schedule in a format that we like we can begin to populate our schedule with our tweets. We can do this by giving Chat-GPT a prompt such as “Create tweets for this schedule. The tweets should be about how you can use your idle or unused pc to mine crypto with BitHome. Put them into the table, include hashtags related to pc building, gpu mining, crypto, and passive income.”

Once we have done this we get the following output.

AI creates tweets and puts them into formatted table

This is now a nice table of tweets with the schedule in the format that we can now easily import into a social media management platform such as Loomly and have scheduled out. You can also tweak your prompts to add different concepts to your tweets to portray tone of excitment or positivity. For example use the prompt “create these tweets with a tone of excitement” and we get the following:

AI adds tone of excitment to tweets


In conclusion, Chat-GPT is a powerful tool that entrepreneurs can use to generate business ideas, design plans, and schedule and write tweets. Its natural language processing capabilities allow it to understand and respond to complex requests, making it an invaluable asset for anyone looking to grow their business or increase their online presence. Whether you’re starting a new business or looking for ways to improve your existing one, Chat-GPT can help you come up with creative solutions and bring your ideas to fruition. So next time you’re stuck for ideas or need a helping hand with your business, consider using Chat-GPT to take your ventures to the next level. (disclosuer this conclusion was wirting by Chat-GPT)



Exploring AI

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