Photo by Paul Csogi on Unsplash

About My Work


I have the great honour of working with bereaved families preparing to say goodbye to their Loved Ones. I meet with them, helping them to create the service they require and need to celebrate the one who has died; together, we find the words and rituals and poems and music, to say what needs saying.

For me, this work is a dream come true; a vocation fulfilled and rich with Love, with care, understanding and compassion. I get to frame and deliver the words the family require; I get to enable them to share their own words in writing or reading their own tributes or speaking for them and in being with them to ensure they have a safe space and time to release their Loved One.

We each deal with death and grief in our own ways and need our own services to say our own unique goodbyes. Some people choose:

  • to have Living Funerals (celebrating their own lives at their own funeral, with family and friends, to say goodbye in person)
  • to create, write and agree the content and rituals of their own funeral
  • to design a service rich with individuality and novelty including themes and personalised rituals
  • to write and perform their own music and words, especially for the service, amongst other things.

Ultimately, once the legal requirements are covered, when it comes to funerals, that’s what I’m there for: to encourage creativity, personal-expression and to provide support before the funeral, during the funeral and after the funeral — I write, I deliver, I work with people struggling with the loss and change they face — at all stages after death.

As I said, it’s a rich and rewarding job!

