“A view of the ground on a wide path with sunlight in the background” by Francesco Gallarotti on Unsplash

Facing Loss


Dear Friend,

A time of loss is a time like no other; there are no words to describe the feelings and the numb emotions of despair, pain, confusion and the fullness of their emptiness inside the mind.

Any time I face a shift, a transition, a time where what once was, is no more, I become confused. Part of me panics, part of me is calm; it reminds me of the Chinese symbol for chaos — opportunity and danger, mixed. Loss is like that, it fits seeming opposites together, whilst ripping everything apart.

So, if you feel sane, calm, devastated and ready to explore how death (of self, a Loved One, an idea, a relationship or a role) here may be a good place to see how and why death (read change or transition) is so very scary for many, many people. But, alongside, birth, breathing, taxes and thinking, death and change are life’s “inevitables” — it’s how we deal with them, how we view them, that’s important.

For me, I don’t like loss; I do accept it, though it may take me quite a long time to reconcile its effects. For me, I don’t judge you for going through your ups and downs as you seek to adjust and make sense of your loss(es) but, I can empathise the mess they can make of and to your life. All strength to you; want to talk about it? Why not respond below.

Blessings, Benn

