Matilda of Tuscany: Amazing Feminist Icon of the Middle Ages

Avery de Wolfe
Exploring Echoes
Published in
6 min readOct 27, 2023

In a world drowned in men’s might, Matilda of Tuscany was the rare medieval splash of female power, swinging swords and political weight with equal flair. Known as the “Warrior Princess of Tuscany,” she wasn’t just about doling out commands and fancy speeches; she was in the mud, rallying troops, and throwing sass like confetti, especially when turning down marriage proposals with a side of epic shade.

Matilda of Tuscany was not your typical medieval woman — she was both a warrior princess and a powerful nobility.

Matilda of Tuscany was a powerful woman in an era when women were frequently consigned to domestic duties and viewed as little more than possessions. She repeatedly demonstrated that women could be just as capable and powerful as men thanks to her sharp mind, political savvy, and formidable military skills.

She was regarded as the “Warrior Princess of Tuscany” because of her prowess in the field of warfare. According to legend, Matilda once rallied her troops by riding around the battlefield with her hair loose and her dress hiked up, brandishing a sword, and shouting encouragement when enemy soldiers surrounded her forces. Her courage and tenacity are said to have given her soldiers new vigour, which helped them win the battle.

This story should be taken with a grain of salt, just like many historical anecdotes. But it supports the perception of Matilda as a robust and courageous leader who didn’t mind getting her hands dirty.

Early Life and Inheritance

The mighty House of Canossa, which governed a sizable portion of central Italy, was the family Matilda was born into. Her mother, Beatrice of Lorraine, was the daughter of the Duke of Upper Lorraine, and her father, Boniface III, was the Marquess of Tuscany. Matilda was only six when Boniface passed away in 1052 and received his titles and lands.

Even though she is young, Matilda is determined to capitalise on her inheritance and continue her family’s legacy. She received a first-rate education, learned Latin at a native level, and became skilled in both the art of war and diplomacy. Her aspirations grew as she got older.

One well-known anecdote describes Matilda’s reaction to a marriage proposal from a man who claimed that he and she would make a good match because he was in charge of vast lands and many soldiers. According to reports, Matilda replied, “My father left me his lands and soldiers. I don’t have to look for them elsewhere.“

The only things Matilda possessed more than her skill and intelligence were her ambition and tenacity. She quickly rose to prominence in Italian politics and earned the respect of her peers. Soon, she was integral to some of the most significant historical events.

The brave are favoured by fortune and victory, as Matilda once said. Brave she was; however, her success was also a result of her cunning, strategic thinking, and courage.

Military and Political Achievements

The political and military achievements of Matilda were truly remarkable. The Holy Roman Empire and the Papacy engaged in a protracted dispute known as the Investiture Controversy over the appointment of bishops and other Church officials. She was a key player in this conflict. Pope Gregory VII appointed Matilda as his top military commander in central Italy because she backed the papal cause and became a close ally of the pope.

Matilda’s military prowess was tested several times, and each time she passed, she demonstrated that she was a competent and successful commander. She was a crucial player in numerous significant military operations against the Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV, including the renowned Battle of Canossa in 1077. Matilda is said to have inspired her troops to fight by riding around the battlefield while wearing her hair loose and her dress up.

But Matilda was more than just a warrior; she was also an adept diplomat and negotiator. She was well known for her ability to forge alliances and mediate peace treaties, and her political influence went well beyond the battlefield.

The election of Pope Urban II, who later began the First Crusade, was one of Matilda’s most well-known accomplishments. Matilda’s participation in the process is evidence of her political savvy and influence. Matilda’s support was essential in securing Urban’s election.

Matilda was a woman working in a predominantly male environment, so her accomplishments were all the more impressive. “I did not choose my sex or my condition, but it is my responsibility to carry out my duties,” she once said. With bravery, skill, and tenacity, she fulfilled them.

Legacy and Impact

The effects of Matilda on Italian history were significant and long-lasting. Her military and political achievements significantly impacted Italian politics and society in the eleventh century, and her influence went far beyond her lifetime.

One of Matilda’s enduring contributions was advocating for the papal cause during the investiture squabble. Her dedication to the Church’s autonomy contributed to establishing the contemporary nation-state structure, in which political and religious authority are segregated.

The arts continue to honour Matilda’s legacy. Her court was renowned for its intellectual and cultural vibrancy, and she patronised the arts and literature. She was exceptionally well known for her love of music and stunning singing voice. The great Italian poet and musician Guido d’Arezzo dedicated his musical treatise to Matilda, referring to her as “the great Matilda, the joy of Italy.”

However, the example Matilda set for later generations of women may be what she is best known for. She paved the way for other women to follow in her footsteps by demonstrating that they could be just as determined, courageous, and astute in politics as men.

The specifics of Matilda’s life have undoubtedly been the subject of myth-making and legend over time, as have many historical figures. Although some of the legends surrounding her may be untrue, there is no denying her influence on Italian history and culture.

A True Trailblazer for Gender Equality

As the famous Italian author Dante Alighieri once wrote, “Here let Matilda lead thee by the hand.” And indeed, Matilda’s example continues to lead us forward, inspiring us to break down barriers and create a better world for all.

Matilda of Tuscany was a remarkable woman who defied the expectations of her time and blazed a trail for future generations of women. Her political and military accomplishments were all the more impressive, given that she was a woman operating in a male-dominated world.

But Matilda was more than just a warrior and a politician — she was also a patron of the arts, a music lover, and a woman of great intellect and cultural sophistication. Her legacy lives on in the modern world, inspiring women to pursue their dreams and make their mark on history.

What’s your take on Matilda’s blend of battlefield bravery and political prowess? Share your thoughts and let’s chat about the women in history who threw the rulebook out and rewrote the story!



Avery de Wolfe
Exploring Echoes

Finding the amusing stories in history that were never taught in school.