The Sacred Band of Thebes: Redefining Love and War

Avery de Wolfe
Exploring Echoes
Published in
7 min readOct 29, 2023

Step back into ancient Greece to unravel the tale of the Sacred Band of Thebes, a fierce army unit of 150 male couples whose battlefield prowess was rivaled only by their devotion to each other. Explore how their unique bond turned the tides of war and challenged the era’s norms, proving that love can indeed conquer all, even in the brutal dance of battle.

To maintain power and influence, Ancient Greece placed a strong emphasis on military prowess. The Sacred Band of Thebes stood out from the other soldiers despite being just one particular unit. Even the strongest foes feared the bravery in battle displayed by the Sacred Band, a group of 150 male couples in love. However, research into the history of ancient Greece and the environment in which it first appeared is necessary to fully comprehend the Sacred Band’s influence. But how did this group of warriors exist, and what endowed them with such extraordinary strength?

Ancient Greek Politics: A Game of Thrones

The period during which the Sacred Band of Thebes emerged was tumultuous in ancient Greece. The Peloponnesian War, raging for over two decades, had weakened the Greek city-states and was vulnerable to attack. It was in this context that Thebes, under the leadership of Epaminondas, rose to prominence.

Thebes had long been viewed as a lesser city-state, overshadowed by the power and prestige of Athens and Sparta. However, under Epaminondas’ leadership, Thebes established itself as a regional power. Epaminondas’ military innovations, which included the formation of the Sacred Band, played a crucial role in Thebes’ rise to prominence.

The relationship between Thebes and other Greek city-states was a complex one. Thebes had historically been viewed as an ally of Sparta, but tensions began to rise between the two cities in the late 5th century BCE. This tension eventually led to the Corinthian War, in which Thebes fought alongside Athens against Sparta and its allies.

After the Corinthian War, Thebes emerged as a significant player in Greek politics. The city formed alliances with other city-states, such as Corinth and Argos, and challenged the dominance of Sparta and Athens. Thebes’ military successes, including the victory at the Battle of Leuctra in 371 BCE, solidified its position as a regional power.

Building the Band: Training, Tactics, and Male Lovers

The formation of the Sacred Band of Thebes is a fascinating tale of innovation, courage, and love. According to ancient accounts, it was Epaminondas, Thebes’ military leader, who first proposed the idea of a specialised unit composed of male lovers. The idea was that the bond between lovers would make the soldiers fight harder, knowing they were fighting for themselves and the person they loved.

But why male lovers? In ancient Greece, homosexuality was not uncommon, but it was not widely accepted either. However, in Thebes, the bonds between male lovers were seen as a source of strength and inspiration. And so, 150 pairs of male lovers were chosen to form the Sacred Band.

The Sacred Band underwent a demanding and extensive training program. The soldiers received instruction in philosophy and literature, physical training, and weapon proficiency. They are challenging to penetrate because they were taught to fight in a close-quarters formation. They also practised intricate movements that required a high degree of cooperation and trust between partners.

A historical anecdote describes how a foreign envoy was impressed by the Sacred Band’s training program. He is credited with saying, “What a sight the mere sight of these warriors is for any man of sense, and how desirable their friendship for those who share their danger!” after seeing a demonstration of their tactics.

The Sacred Band was a formidable force on the battlefield thanks to its distinctive makeup and rigorous training program. They quickly established a reputation for being fearless and successful in battle. They challenged preconceived ideas about masculinity and love, serving as an example for other Greek city-states.

The creation of the Sacred Band of Thebes is a testament to the inventiveness and bravery of ancient Greek military leaders. It was a formidable force on the battlefield, challenging social norms and motivating future generations of soldiers because of its unusual makeup of male lovers and rigorous training program.

The Sacred Band’s Legacy on the Battlefield

The Sacred Band of Thebes proved essential to the Theban army in numerous military campaigns and engagements throughout ancient Greek history. They were a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield thanks to their distinct male-lovers composition and rigorous training program.

The Battle of Leuctra, fought in 371 BCE, was one of the most important conflicts in which the Sacred Band took part. Epaminondas’ Theban army was pitted against a much stronger Spartan force. The Sacred Band played a vital role in Theban’s victory, breaking through the Spartan lines and creating chaos in the enemy’s ranks. As the first time a Greek army had defeated a Spartan force in open combat, the battle was a crucial turning point in Greek history.

But the Sacred Band sometimes won the day. The Macedonian army commanded by Philip II humiliated the Sacred Band during the Battle of Chaeronea in 338 BCE. The Macedonian forces outmatched the Sacred Band despite their bravery and expertise.

Despite this setback, the Sacred Band’s influence on the Theban army could not be disputed. Other soldiers were motivated to fight harder by their presence on the battlefield, and they were a particularly potent fighting force due to their special bond of love and loyalty. The Sacred Band questioned conventional ideas about masculinity and love, and their influence persisted long after they broke up.

The Battle of Chaeronea was the Sacred Band’s last conflict, as related in a historical anecdote. Theban general Pelopidas is said to have rallied the Sacred Band as the Macedonian army closed in, saying,

“We will show that what brings a man to the battlefield is not the love of life, but the love of honour.”

Despite the eventual outcome of the battle, the bravery and determination of the Sacred Band remained an inspiration to future generations of soldiers.

This unique military unit played a significant role in the history of the ancient Greek military, taking part in important battles and serving as an example for later generations of soldiers. Their legacy endured as a testament to the strength of love, loyalty, and inventive military strategy despite their ultimate defeat at the Battle of Chaeronea.

The Sacred Band’s Influence on Modern Military Organizations

Although the Sacred Band was formally disbanded in 338 BCE, its legacy has motivated soldiers and intellectuals for centuries. In ancient Greece, more progressive views on same-sex relationships emerged due to The Sacred Band’s challenges to conventional ideas of masculinity and love. They also demonstrated the effectiveness of an army of soldiers who are deeply devoted to one another, not just because they share a common nationality or culture.

Famous Greek philosophers like Plato and Xenophon, who praised the group for their bravery and devotion, have written about the Sacred Band and left behind their influence. Additionally, it’s thought that the Sacred Band’s distinctive lineup impacted the “buddy system” used in contemporary militaries. Soldiers are paired with a close friend they can turn to in a crisis.

One anecdote that exemplifies the legacy of the Sacred Band comes from the Roman historian Plutarch. In his account of the Battle of Chaeronea, Plutarch tells the story of a Macedonian soldier who, after being captured by the Thebans, was asked why he was so eager to fight against them. The soldier replied, “I am ashamed to say, but I am in love.” When asked with whom, he responded, “The commander of the Theban Sacred Band.”

Remembering the Sacred Band: Why Their Story Still Matters Today

Its influence on ancient Greek military history and culture cannot be overstated, even though the Sacred Band of Thebes was a small and relatively short-lived military force. Due to their rigorous training schedule and cutting-edge military strategies, this group of male lovers proved to be a formidable force on the battlefield. It challenged conventional notions of masculinity and love.

We can learn a lot about the importance of loyalty and brotherhood from the story of the Sacred Band. In addition to being allies in battle, the Sacred Band’s members were steadfast lovers who sacrificed their lives for one another. Their intense love and loyalty to one another made them role models for future military organisations and made their enemies fear and respect them.

The value of diversity and inclusion in all spheres of society, including the military, is perhaps the most important lesson we can take away from the tale of the Sacred Band. The Sacred Band made it possible for men who were attracted to other men to fight alongside their heterosexual counterparts, fostering an environment where all soldiers could use their abilities for the benefit of the army as a whole. This open-minded perspective on same-sex relationships was revolutionary at the time. It helped to pave the way for more progressive views on LGBTQ rights and acceptance in the centuries that followed.

The Sacred Band of Thebes may have been a minor military force with little historical significance, but its influence on ancient Greek history and culture cannot be understated. Their story imparts valuable knowledge on fidelity, brotherhood, and the strength of inclusion and diversity. The Sacred Band’s legacy lives on today, motivating us to work toward a society where everyone is respected for who they are.

Have thoughts on ancient warrior love or questions about the Sacred Band’s audacious tactics? Share your take and let’s dive into history’s romantic battlefield together!



Avery de Wolfe
Exploring Echoes

Finding the amusing stories in history that were never taught in school.