5 Unbelievable Stories Of Deaths On Mount Everest

Dark side of the world’s highest mountain— harrowing reality.

Exploring History


Source: Wiki

It is still uncertain as to how many people have actually died on mount Everest.

However, it is still believed that about 300 have died while attempting to conquer the tallest mountain in the world.

Over the last century, thousands and thousands of people have attempted to reach the summit of the tallest mountain on the face of the Earth — however, it has not been easy on hundreds of them.

People fell tragically short just to join the ever-growing list of people who have died on Mount Everest.

More so than any other place on Earth, both the extreme weather and sheer height of the mountain push the limits of human endurance and the audacious notion of risking their lives for fame and glory.

While it is hard to say how many people have died climbing the mountain, we are still left with numerous shocking stories of deaths that occurred on Mount Everest.

Furthermore, there are dozens of equally shocking reports of bodies on the mountain that have served as a guide post for many climbers.

With the bodies of the dead hard to retrieve in such harsh conditions, there are more than 200 known…



Exploring History

I’m a history buff, personal development advocator and fitness freak!