7 Alternate History Plots That Will Leave You Wondering

Uncovering the imagination — Rewriting the past.

Exploring History


Source: Wikipedia

Have you ever wondered how the world would be different if major historical events had gone a different way? Alternate history is a captivating genre that poses the ‘what if?’ questions and imagines a different reality.

In this article, we’ll explore 7 of the most intriguing alternate history scenarios and discuss how they differ from our timeline.

Whether you’re a fan of science fiction, fantasy, or history, these compelling plots will leave you wondering what could have been.

7- The Axis Wins World War II — Petrified World

Source: Wikipedia

The thought of a world where the Axis powers — Germany, Japan, and Italy — won World War II is terrifying. If this scenario were to happen, the world as we know it would be unrecognizable.

Europe and Asia would be under the control of the Nazis and the Japanese, respectively. The United States, which played a crucial role in the war, would either be invaded or become isolationist, thus ceding global dominance to the Axis.



Exploring History

Hi there! A history geek who loves to write about history.