7 Dark Historical Truths Schools Refuse To Teach

Why schools won’t teach you these 7 ugly historical facts?

Exploring History


Source: Wikipedia

History can be a fascinating subject to explore, but there are certain dark parts of our past that many schools refuse to teach.

It’s understandable; many of these events are gruesome, heartbreaking, and difficult to comprehend.

But it’s important to learn about the past in order to shape a better future, which is why we must face some of the darker aspects of history.

This article explores 7 of the darkest historical facts that many schools simply refuse to teach.

7- The Killing Of Vampires — Superstitions

Source: Wikipedia

Vampires have been a part of folklore and literature for centuries, but there was a time when people actually thought they were real.

In the 16th century, people in Europe were convinced that vampires were a real threat, and began hunting them down. They believed that killing a vampire would rid their communities of the plague, which was believed to be caused by the undead.



Exploring History

Hi there! A history geek who loves to write about history.