7 Horrifying Places That Google Maps Didn’t Want You To See

The darkest corners — Journey to the forbidden places of Google Maps.

Exploring History


Source: Wikipedia

Google Maps has revolutionized the way we navigate the world, providing us with easy access to detailed maps and satellite imagery of even the most remote locations.

However, while this tool can be incredibly useful for finding directions, it has also revealed some truly terrifying sights that Google might not have wanted you to see.

In this article, we’ll take a look at 7 of the most horrifying places on Earth that Google Maps tried to hide from view.

From abandoned hospitals to secretive government bases, be prepared for a journey into the darkest corners of the globe.

7- HAARP Site — Gakona, Alaska

Source: Wikipedia

Located in Gakona, Alaska, the HAARP site is a research facility that has been the subject of conspiracy theories for years. The facility’s purpose is to study the Earth’s ionosphere and its effects on communication and navigation systems.



Exploring History

Hi there! A history geek who loves to write about history.