7 Most Craziest Things People Believed During Medieval Times

Think we have strange beliefs now? Take a look.

Exploring History


Source: Wikipedia

For centuries, humanity has experienced a slow march of progress. This progress has made it possible for us to live our lives in a way that would have been impossible in the days of medieval times.

While it’s important to remember and appreciate the advances we’ve made over the years, it can be just as fun to look back at the ridiculous things people used to believe.

Join us on a journey through history as we explore some of the most preposterous beliefs from the medieval period, and thank our lucky stars that we don’t have to worry about them anymore.

7- Evil Spirits Lurked — Brussels Sprouts

Source: Wikipedia

In Medieval times, it was believed that evil spirits lurked everywhere, even in the most unexpected places — like Brussels sprouts.

People feared that these tiny, innocent-looking vegetables were possessed by demons and could bring about all sorts of misfortunes. Eating them could lead to stomach problems, headaches, and even demonic possession.



Exploring History

Hi there! A history geek who loves to write about history.