7 Mystifying Coincidences That Leave Historians Puzzled

Stranger than fiction — The bizarre coincidences.

Exploring History


Source: Wikipedia

Throughout history, there have been some bizarre coincidences that have left historians baffled.

From strange parallel events to odd occurrences, it seems as if life itself sometimes takes on an uncanny pattern of its own.

In this article, we explore seven of the most perplexing coincidences that have occurred throughout history. These coincidences will leave you wondering just what is at play in our world.

7- Stephen Hawking — Death Day

Source: Wikipedia

March 14, 2018, marked the day that one of the world’s most brilliant minds, Stephen Hawking, passed away. His scientific contributions and discoveries will undoubtedly be celebrated for centuries to come.

However, there is a strange coincidence surrounding his death that cannot be ignored. March 14th is also known as Pi Day, representing the mathematical constant 3.14.

However, the coincidences don’t stop there. It is also the birth date of another iconic physicist, Albert Einstein. And…



Exploring History

Hi there! A history geek who loves to write about history.