7 Time Travel Paradoxes That Will Bend Your Brain

7 recent time travel evidence that will make your mind boggle.

Exploring History


Source: Wikipedia

Are you a believer in time travel? If so, you’re not alone! Over the years, there have been countless stories, reports, and rumors of time travelers from the past and future.

Now, it looks like there’s some concrete evidence to back up these claims. In this article, we’ll take a look at seven recent pieces of evidence that are impossible to deny.

From mysterious artifacts to scientific breakthroughs, it’s time to start believing in the possibility of time travel.

7- A Man From 2236 — A Time Traveler’s Tale

In 2010, a man claiming to be from the year 2236 shocked people at a hotel in Arizona. He was spotted at the hotel bar wearing a silver suit and speaking an unknown language.

The security guards were so alarmed that they called the police. When the police arrived, the man provided them with an identification card that showed his birth date to be in the year 2236.

He also stated that he had been sent to 2010 as part of a top-secret government mission. Unfortunately, he was never seen again and his whereabouts remain unknown to this day.



Exploring History

Hi there! A history geek who loves to write about history.