9 Famous Historical Images That Have Been Edited To Fool Historians

Outright fabricated images you thought depicted reality.

Exploring History


Source: Wikimedia Commons

It has been evident from various events that history has been altered and manipulated for many purposes — the photos listed above have been altered for vested interests.

Some events reflect how the pictures, most of them at the time of World War, had been altered so that people cannot see the atrocities and realities. It was nothing but a a manipulation game played to confuse people.

The absolute most notorious recorded pictures have been organized, and albeit the idea of old photoshopped photographs sounds behind the times, history books are loaded up with controlled and fashioned symbolism.

Let’s look into them:

1. Laborers candid lunch? Well nope.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Lunch Atop a Skyscraper has for some time been elapsed around as demonstrative of a time with good-for-nothing security guidelines — or maybe a time with harder individuals.



Exploring History

History Buff, Personal Growth Blogger & Designer. For inquiries: info@youdecode.com