Chilling Rituals & Beliefs of the Cannibal Aghori Monks Of India

Cannibalism today: their logic of eating & meditating on corpses.

Exploring History



A religious Hinduism sect exists in India, but it is different from the mainstream practitioner of religion — very different.

The Aghori sect challenges traditional religious beliefs and seeks purity in everything. The pivotal aspect of their belief system is viewing everything as pure, no matter how dirty or gross it may be.

Holding such a belief brings them closer to not only enlightenment but also God. Additionally, the Aghoris renounce all worldly possession — they own few to no personal belonging.

Due to their rituals and beliefs, mainstream Hindus have universally denounced them — one such ritual is cannibalism.

Now cannibalism does have negative connotations, making it hard to believe that such practice is still done in some parts of the world.

Unlike cannibalism practices in history, Aghoris take a different approach. Their reasons and belief system make them fascinating people to know.

Let’s see why they do what they do:

Aghori tribe and cannibalism



Exploring History

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