Crazy Story of Dr. Kellogg Who Invented Corn Flakes To Prevent Masturbation

His cereal was to hamper sexual desires.

Exploring History


The name of John Harvey Kellogg resounds when we talk about the American Hygiene Movement, as after all, he deployed his mind into thinking of varying health measures.

Espousing a holistic approach to wellness, Kellogg invented cereal with his brother, making such an “American breakfast” prophet in hygiene in the 20th century.

He championed nutrition and launched violent anti-masturbation campaigns, where the genitals of young girls and boys were advised to get mutilated.

Let’s dive into the link of his solid violent beliefs and his invention of a winning breakfast product:

Mixed Influences on John Harvey Kellogg

Born on Feb 26, 1853, in Tyrone, Michigan, Kellogg witnessed America’s hygiene revolution. It was around the time when the first flushing toilet was patented. But, the era was not all about wellness, as it was during the very century when campaigns regarding sex and alcoholism were rising.

Witnessing both sides of the society messed up Kellogg’s mind pretty heavily — the combination of both concepts, abstinence and extreme hygiene, seeped dipped into his…



Exploring History

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