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Jolly Jane

The Nightmare Nurse Jane Toppan kills at least thirty

Kathy Copeland Padden
Published in
3 min readMay 25, 2021


That is my ambition, to have killed more people- more helpless people- than any man or woman who has ever lived.” — Jane Toppan

Early in her nursing career, Jane Toppan was known as “Jolly Jane” thanks to her jovial demeanor and cheery bedside manner. Later, she became known as “the Nightmare Nurse,” which is still too cuddly of a moniker for this evil scumbag.

Jolly Jane was found guilty of slowly poisoning and killing the patients under her care — and getting a perverse thrill from it.

Jane Toppan was a monster.

Toppan started her nursing career in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1885, and she began using her patients as unwitting guinea pigs. First Toppan would sedate them, then administer drugs to restimulate their adrenaline. This was Janes's kink — getting off on the control she exerted over her victims. As the grand finale, she would give them a fatal dose of morphine and chalk another one up on the tally sheet.

Toppan got a sexual charge from her “experiments.” One of her patients recalled awakening to Jane on top of her and caressing her. She stopped and slipped away when she heard someone coming into the room. Her patient thought the entire experience was a dream until she later heard about Jane’s…



Kathy Copeland Padden

is a music fanatic, classic film aficionado, and history buff surfing the End Times wave like a boss. Come along!